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What is a Position Paper?

 Describes a position on an issue and the
rational for that position
 Presents an arguable opinion about an issue
 Choose an issue where there is a clear
division of opinion (pro or against) and
which is arguable with facts (you may choose an
issue on which you have already formed an opinion)
What is a Position Paper?
 The purpose of a position paper is to generate
support on an issue
 Take one side of the argument and persuade
the audience that you have a well-founded
knowledge of the topic being presented (research
and read)
 The goal is to convince the audience that your
opinion is valid and worth listening to
What is a Position Paper?
 It is important to ensure that you are
addressing all sides of the issue (pro and against
sides) and presenting it in a manner that is easy
for your audience to understand
 Address the counterclaims (the opposing side) to
show that you are well informed about both
What is a Position Paper?
 Examine your opinion of the issue critically
 Define and limit your issue carefully, social
issues are complex with multiple solutions
 Narrow the topic of your position paper to
something that is manageable
 Consider feasibility
 Cost-effectiveness and political/social
climate when evaluating possible solutions and
courses of action
In choosing a topic/issue
Ask yourself the following questions to ensure that
you will be able to present a strong argument:

 Is it a real issue, with genuine controversy

and uncertainty?
 Can you distinctly identify two positions?
 Are you personally interested in
advocating one of these positions?
 Is the issue narrow enough to be
Analyzing an Issue and Developing an

 Research your issue thoroughly, consulting

experts and obtaining primary documents on
the subject matter to ensure that your position
is well supported
 Listing out the pro and con sides of the topic
will help you examine your ability to support
your counterclaims, along with a list of
supporting evidence for both sides
Supporting evidence includes the

 Factual Knowledge - Information that is

verifiable and agreed upon by almost everyone
 Statistical Inferences - Interpretation and
examples of an accumulation of facts
 Informed Opinion - Opinion developed
through research and/or expertise of the claim
 Personal Testimony - Personal experience
related by a knowledgeable party
Considering the audience

 What do they believe

 Where do they stand on the issue?
 How are their interests involved
 What evidence is likely to be effective with

 The audience knows where you stand

 The thesis is located in the two strongest places,
first and last.
 It is the most common form of academic
argument used
The following structure is typical of a
position paper
Identification of the issue
Statement of the position
Body/Discussion part
Background information
Supporting evidence or facts
Your position/argument
Background information
Supporting evidence or facts
Suggested courses of action
Possible solutions
Structure of a Position Paper
 Clearly labeled Committee, Topic/Issue, and
 1-1.5 pages in length

Structure of a Position Paper
Brief introduction detailing your country’s
history (if any) with the issue
Identification of the issue (what is the issue?
why is there a need to address it?)
(You need to search for these to provide
information on the aforementioned)
Your position/stand on the issue in the form of
thesis statement
Example issue and thesis
Issue/Topic: Exploitation of Animals

Thesis statement:
“It is possible to be an ethical carnivore by
choosing humane practices both in food
production and research using animal testing,
eating small portions of meat on our diet,
using environmentally sustanable farming
Example issue and thesis
Issue/Topic: Exploitation of Animals
Your stand on the issue
(pro/for it)
Thesis statement:
“It is possible to be an ethical carnivore by
choosing humane practices both in food
production and research using animal testing,
eating small portions of meat on our diet,
using environmentally sustanable farming
Example issue and thesis
Issue/Topic: Exploitation of Animals

Thesis statement:
“It is possible to be an ethical carnivore by
choosing humane practices both in food
production and research using animal testing, 2
eating small portions of meat on our diet, 3 using
environmentally sustanable farming practices”
At least 3 supporting
facts/evidences/details that supports
your stand/position
Example issue and thesis
Issue/Topic: Exploitation of Animals
Position/Stand: PRO/Agreed/For it
Supporting details
1. Choosing humane practices both in food
production and research using animal testing;
2. Eating small portions of meat on our diet;
3. Using environmentally sustanable farming
Structure of a Position Paper
Background information

Supporting evidence or facts

Your position/argument
Background information

Supporting evidence or facts

Structure of a Position Paper
 May contain several paragraphs
 Each paragraph should present an idea or
main concept that clarifies a portion of the
position statement and is supported by
evidence or facts
 Evidences can be primary source quotations,
statistical data, interviews with experts, and
indisputable dates or events
Structure of a Position Paper
 Detailed analysis of your country’s opinion on
matter, providing very specific claims on
plausible resolutions

Example on the next slide...

Issue/Topic: Exploitation of
Counter argument/Opposing side's stand:
People should stop eating meat
Facts/Evidences presented:
1. Meat-eating is an exploitation of animals, in which we are subjugating
other beings for our own ends and causing them pain and suffering.
Suceeding sentence/s after this should be citation of facts from research
on factory farms goes here
2. Meat-eating is unhealthy. Suceeding sentence/s after this should be
citation of facts from research on heart disease and cancer go here
3. Meat-eating is damaging environmentally. Suceeding sentence/s after
this should be citation of facts from research on environmental effects
go here
Issue/Topic: Exploitation of
Your argument/stand:
People should eat meat if they choose to
Facts/Evidences presented:
1. People can avoid causing unnecessary suffering to animals both in food
production and research using animal testing by choosing humane
practices. Suceeding sentence/s should be cited works on facts on laws
on animal testing and practices such as free-range farming
2. Meat-eating is healthy as long as it is a small part of our diet. Suceeding
sentence/s should be cited works onfacts from research on diet
recommendations from health experts go here
3. Meat-eating would be less damaging to the environment if it is a small
part of our diet and environmentally sustainable farming practices are used.
Suceeding sentence/s should be cited works on facts from research on
environmentally sustainable farming practices go here
Structure of a Position Paper
It should summarize the main concepts and
ideas and reinforce, without repeating, the
introduction or body of the paper.
It could include suggested courses of action
and possible solutions

Example on the next slide...

Example of summarized main
People should eat meat if they choose, but it
should be a small part of their diet and they
should purchase meat from sources that use
ethical and environmentally sustainable
farming practices.

Reiterate your stand through a PARAPHRASED
thesis statement.
What To Include in a Position
 Anything Recent
 How the issue affects your country
 Security reasons, humanitarian issues,
 Your country’s policies, and justification
 Statistics
 Actions taken by government
What To Include in a Position
 Resolutions signed/ratified by your country
 Bilateral & Unilateral Agreements, Treaties

 UN Actions supported or opposed by your

 What your stand/beliefs should be done
 How others affect your opinion/decision
Extra Notes
 Don’t be overly loquacious, a.k.a don’t be
overly wordy, and stick to your point.
 Be organized by giving each possible
 Cite your sources!
 They love footnotes – show you didn’t just
use Wikipedia.
Good Sources
 The UN Database for resolutions/any
 Press conferences given by your country
following a UN convention
 National newspaper articles
 The CIA information site for various statistics
 Foreign Ministry Websites (for each country)
 Bring out your printouts
 Provide the information needed and write
your answers on the activity sheets
 Choose a topic from any of these:
 Should PH government
 Abolish political clans/dynaties
 Approve abortion laws to protect women's health

 Reinstate the law on death penalty

 Adapt a federal government now

 Allow/Enact a law on gay marriage

 Approve the use of marijuana as prescription med.


SOURCES) to be submitted on the next meeting

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