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• Pomegranates can contain anywhere from 200 to 1400

• Drinking pomegranate juice is said to increase wisdom.
• Research is starting to show that pomegranates have
promising healing powers: contains antioxidants, treats
cancer, protects the mind from memory loss, helps
boost the immune system, and etc.
• A pomegranate has 613 seeds which corresponds to
the 613 commandments in the Torah (the five books of
the Hebrew Bible found in the Old Testament).
fascinated strongly attracted and marveling be amazed, be filled
interested with amazement
juggler one skilled in keeping chambers bedroom
several objects in
motion in the air at the
pomegranate an orange-sized fruit kernel a softer, usually edible
with a tough reddish part of a nut, seed
outer skin and sweet
red gelatinous flesh
containing many seeds.

pluck move, pick off, pick, lavish expensive, grand

• Narrator 1
• Narrator 2
• Oldest Brother
• Second Brother
• Youngest Brother
• King
• Princess
1. In the beginning of the story, what do the three brothers plan to do?
2. Where does the oldest brother go? What does he see there?
3. Where does the second brother go? What does he find there?
4. Where does the youngest brother go? What does he find there?
5. What is unusual with the pomegranate tree the youngest brother finds?
6. What makes the pomegranate magical in the story?
7. How does pomegranate show its magic in the story?
8. Why do the brothers quarrel?
9. Why does the princess choose to marry the youngest brother?
10. What is the moral lesson of the story based from the actions of the
What would you sacrifice for the ones who need help?
Do you think you can give more than what you have?
• The groups shall ROLE PLAY a scenario that demonstrates acts of
sacrifice and charity for the ones who need help.
• Think/plan a scenario where all the members of group will be able
show sacrifice and charity.
• Leaders must assign the roles to his/her members
• Set the stage (line of actions and setting)
• Leaders make sure that whole group stays involved and dialogue
to deliver.
• Characters/Actors assume the roles and spontaneously “live” from
the beginning to the end of the situation
• Props and background music are allowed.

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