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Bab IX :

Correlational Design
By Group 2 :
1. Ulpa Sarima
2. Pitri Yenti
3. Lukmannul Hakim
4. Muhammad Rayhan
Our Presentation Agenda
01 Welcome
By Moderator

02 Team Introduction
By Moderator

03 Content Exposure
By Presenter

04 Conclusion & Closing

By Moderator
Meet Our Team!!

Ulpa Sarima Pitri Yenti Lukmannul Hakim Muhammad Rayhan

16076010 16076014 16076023 16076025
Main Topic
Type Of Key Characeristic
Correlational of Correlational
Design Design

What Is
Research, When Your Thesist
do you use it, and Statement
how did it
development Correlational
Narrow Your Focus and Determine Your Thesis
“Your First Free Writing”
Free writing is a method to help you decide what you want to write

about.Founde By Peter Elbow. This technique acknowledges the advantage
of using the subconscious as an aid to writing. His theory is that if we can
cancel out our conscious mind, we will be able to access all the wonderful

information we have in our subconscious.
“Your First Free Writing”
What You need to Know ?

Actually, you’d be surprised at what you already know. We all have information

stored in our subconscious, but we can’t always readily access it. For example,

say you’re trying to remember the name of your fourth-grade art teacher. The

harder you try, the farther away it gets. Then you quit trying, wake up the next

morning, and think, “Of course. Her name was Ms. Bell.” It was in your

subconscious all the time, and it just needed to be brought to the surface.
“Your First Free Writing”
What You need to do ?

The technique of free writing requires you to do only three things:

• Set a timer or alarm.

• Sit down at your computer with no noise.

• Write without stopping.

Remember : Whatever you do, don’t stop writing during the 10 minutes—no matt
er what you write.

What If :You can’t think of anything to say? Repeat the last word until words fl ow
“Your First Free Writing”
Results of First Free Writing

Don’t read your writing now— wait for a day, or at least a few hours. Then go

back and take a look at what you wrote. Ask yourself:

- Is there one idea that stands out?

- Is there something I want to know more about?

Narrow Your Focus and Determine Your Thesis

The next step in the process is to conduct more research to help you
determine your direction.

What You need to know?

some items to consider during your research:

Determine the Question you will Record the bibliography

be answering in your essay. information for each resource
01 04 from which you use information.

Identify the main concepts or Evaluate what you find. If you

keywords in your question. have too much information, you
02 05 may need to narrow or even
broaden your subject.

Use those keywords to search

indexes of encyclopedias and
03 online resources.
What you need to Do ?

It’s now time to research different aspects of your prompt subject, with the goal of choosing the
specific topic for your essay. Some possible topics to explore include:

What we all can do for our school, You can use your favorite search engine to
neighborhood, or city discover sources of information.

The benefits of recycling Check online encyclopedias – Also don’t

Forget about Library

How we can conserve resources Once you’ve Talk to people you know and respect
identified a topic of interest
Taking Notes

Note-taking methods vary, and you should choose what is most comfortable and
effective for you. The keys are to:
• Get down enough information to help you recall the major points of the research.
• Put the information in a form in which you are most likely to use the research in
your essay.
• Label each note with the author’s name and the title; etc.
Give Credit Where It Is Due

Be sure to give credit to outside sources. Using someone else’s words without credit is
plagiarism and is considered cheating. You don’t want to lose all your hard work, which will
happen if you plagiarize.
• For a book:
Piles, Dirth, Compost from the Bottom Up. San Francisco: Nature Press, 2010.
• For an encyclopedia or dictionary:
“ environmentalism.” Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 13th ed. 2003.
• For a magazine or newspaper article:
Johnson, Anna. “A Legacy of Going Green.” Time Magazine Dec. 28, 2011.
• For a website or web page:
Hartman, Jay. “Save Trees by Reading Ebooks.” Jan. 19, 2011.
Cluster Your Information

Start by typing the main subject As you look at the items, you will
at the top. begin to see patterns. Move
01 04 similar items into groups and give
each group a word or phrase that
describes them.
Then type a list of as many ideas
as you can think of related to Finally, look at the groups and
02 your subject. 05 see if there is one set that really
grabs your attention.

Next, take a look at the items and

see which ones seem to go
03 together.
Narrow Your Focus and Determine Your Thesis
“Your Second Free Writing”
What You need to Know ?

You have much more information now and will be able to more clearly see what you know
.Conducting a second free writing allows you—consciously and unconsciously—to


• What you initially knew

• The research you’ve gathered

• Facts and impressions you have developed through your research

“Your Second Free Writing”
What You need to Do ?

The same techniques apply in your second free writing as in your first free writing, except
for a slightly longer time:

• Set the timer or alarm again, this time for 15 minutes.

• Sit down at your computer with no noise.

• Write—without stopping.

As you sort through your ideas in the second free writing, the direction of your essay will
become clearer.
Narrow Your Focus and Determine Your Thesis
“Your Thesis Statement”

“ Armed with all the information you’ve gathered from your research and free
writing, you are now ready for the next step—forming a working thesis

statement. This will serve as the foundation for your essay.
“Your Thesis Statement”
What You need to Know ?

What exactly is a thesis statement? It is one sentence that sets the foundation on which

you will build the whole essay. An effective thesis statement includes and accomplishes

two things:

• It introduces the subject, which signals the reader what you will be writing about.

• It sets the controlling idea, the position you will be taking in your paper. It is an idea that
needs to be proved or explained.
“Your Thesis Statement”
What You need to Do ?

To write an effective thesis statement, keep the following in mind:

• The thesis statement cannot be a question because then your essay would not develop an idea but
would only answer the question.

• The thesis statement cannot be a fact because a fact does not need to be explained.

Remember : A good thesis statement always has both the subject and the controlling idea to
guide both readers and the writer.
“Your Thesis Statement”
Example of Thesis Statement

The better you can identify subjects and controlling ideas in thesis statements, the easier it will be

for you to write effective ones. Following are five thesis statements :

1. Recycling can make a real difference.

2. Going green really starts at home.

3. Recycling seems to be a good idea.

4. One person can do a lot to make a difference.

5. More Kermits can make a greener planet.

Thank you

1. Kelompok 3 : Apa saja Hambatan yang kelompok temui saat melakukan penelitian ?

2. Kelompok 4 : Coba Kelompok Jelaskan Kaitan Materi dari Kelompok 2 dengan Kelompok 1

3. Kelompok 5 : Coba Kelompok Jelaskan Maksud dari Mendaur Ulang Tulisan ?

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