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Safety Science 129 (2020) 104805

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Safety management in construction: 20 years of risk modeling T

a b,⁎ c d e
Maryam Alkaissy , Mehrdad Arashpour , Baabak Ashuri , Yu Bai , Reza Hosseini
Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3800, Australia
Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3800, Australia
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Tech, United States
Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3800, Australia
School of Architecture and Built Environment, Deakin University, Australia


Keywords: Construction industry has one of the highest rates of fatalities and injuries compared to other industries, despite
Health and safety management technological advancements and implementations of occupational health and safety initiatives. In this paper, a
Integrated system modeling systematic review has been conducted on the contemporary literature of safety risk management. The interface
Optimization and Simulation with system modeling has been investigated to identify correlations between the two, and opportunities for
Quality management
improving project performance metrics such as quality, productivity, and cost. Findings show that simulation
Risk monitoring and control
and optimization technics have advanced in the past 20 years but there is room for improvement when it comes
Scientometric analysis
to modeling safety related risks. This review paper contributes to the literature of safety management by pro-
viding insight into dynamics of different simulation and optimization modeling techniques. Future research
opportunities have been identified including the need for construction safety research on integrating multi-
method modeling approaches.

1. Introduction and background productivity and safety including the Lean Construction (Moaveni,
2019), and the Entropy Theory (Sun, 2010). Other modeling efforts
Work health and safety is an area in need of improvements within focused on relations between safety and direct/indirect costs in the
the construction domain despite the advancements in technological construction industry (Lu, 2016). Cost-benefit analysis considering
applications of robust occupational health and safety management safety related risks provides an appropriate analytical tool to quantify
systems (Lingard et al., 2019). Current focus of literature is on safety direct/indirect costs of accidents (Ikpe, 2008). Indirect costs of acci-
management techniques to moderate impacts of unwanted events dents in construction have been analyzed using the Iceberg Theory
(Choe, 2017) and efficient and user-friendly risk management at dif- (Hamid, 2008).
ferent company and project levels (Gunduz, 2018). For example, AHP- There have been a few studies adopting a holistic review of mod-
based analysis of safety risks for near miss events (Raviv, 2017), in- eling applications in construction safety management. System modeling
tegrating exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling through optimization and simulation tools for safety risk management
to analyze safety risk factors (Liu, 2018), and integration of risk man- has been the focus of such papers (see Fig. 1). Optimization is generally
agement processes in model-based environment (Melzner, 2018). Other defined as the action of making the most effective use of a situation or a
studies have focused on fuzzy qualitative risk management models to resource. In construction safety domain, optimization is often used to
reduce occupational safety risks (Pinto, 2014), modeling and simulating reduced incidents and injuries during any stage of a construction pro-
univariate and bivariate safety related risks at the situational level ject (Rajguru and Mahatme, 2015). Simulation, on the other hand, is
(Tixier, 2017), and real-time safety risk evaluation model to improve used to capture the operational details of construction projects and
decision quality in construction buildings/structures (Zhang, 2019). analyzing what-if scenarios (Baniassadi, 2018). Simulating safety risk
Modeling has been adopted in previous studies to investigate the attributes in a construction project can highlight numerous scenarios
relation between safety and other project performance metrics such as enabling decision makers to improve performance metrics.
quality in construction (Nnaji, 2016). There are numerous studies This review paper conducts a mixed-method review of literature to
within the literature that explored the theoretical links between explore the existing body of knowledge around safety risk management

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Alkaissy), (M. Arashpour), (B. Ashuri), (Y. Bai), (R. Hosseini).
Received 4 December 2019; Received in revised form 20 March 2020; Accepted 3 May 2020
Available online 21 May 2020
0925-7535/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Alkaissy, et al. Safety Science 129 (2020) 104805

ensure the alignment of scope, further screening was done by ex-

amining abstract, which resulted in a further shortlisting of articles. The
final sets of papers were then selected by critically evaluating the full
text on topics relating safety risks in construction and the different
project performance indices, as well as, the different modeling ap-
proaches used to correlate the relations between the project indices and
safety risks in construction. For example, in stage 3 (Eligibility), 18
records were excluded after full text review as they were not relevant to
the review domain. The 4-stage process is shown in Fig. 3.
Manual selection of relevant papers is often regarded biased as it
depends on researchers’ preferences. Therefore, a computer aided
analysis that investigates correlations and facilitates visualizations of
citation networks should complement the PRISMA analysis (Oraee
et al., 2017). In this review paper, a scientometric analysis method by
employing VOS viewer and Gephi software that are widely used to
analyze publication networks and link to the topic of investigation. The
visualized bibliometric network can be created based on citation, bib-
liographic coupling, co-citation and/or co-authorship. These softwares
have some interesting built-in functionalities such as text mining that
can be used to build and envision co-occurrence networks of significant
terms mined from a body of scientific literature (Perianes-Rodriguez
et al., 2016).
Fig. 1. Venn representation of review paper's focus. Keywords serve as descriptors of papers contents, and they re-
present the fundamental topics covered in research paper (Su and Lee,
2010). Thus, a network representation of keywords re-occurrence was
using simulation modeling and optimization over the past two decades.
mapped, and the results are reflected in Fig. 4 in what appears to be the
The conducted mixed-method review explored the interface between
most important nodes of research streamline, displaying connections
safety risk management and system modeling with implications for
between construction safety management and modeling paradigms. The
quality, productivity, and cost. Limitations and future research oppor-
interrelation between these keywords presents the frequency of re-oc-
tunities have also been identified.
currence in the literature. The node’s density in the figure represents
the higher level of citations for a study, while the links among nodes are
2. Research methods representative of citations in pair and group articles. These links be-
come stronger (closer nodes) if two neighboring nodes have similar co-
2.1. Literature search authors or frequent pair citations. (Van Eck and Waltman, 2011). Fur-
ther analysis of nodes in the network representation revealed emer-
Focus of this work is to investigate the relation between safety risk gence of three correlated areas to safety, i.e. quality, productivity, and
management and system modeling with focus on contemporary cost of construction. Although the search criteria have some level of
methods of simulation and optimization developed in the past 20 years. impact on node appearances in Fig. 4, the links are independent to the
As can be seen in stage 1 of Fig. 2, literature search was conducted to search criteria.
better understand how modeling serves safety risk management and Author’s citations have also been mapped and the results are re-
implications for quality, productivity, and cost of construction projects. flected in Fig. 5, in what appears to be the most authors citation in
Among other simulation methods the focus was placed on Discrete safety risk modeling literature. It can be noted from the dense and
Event (DE), Agent Based Modeling (ABM) and System Dynamics (SD). proximity of nodes, the strong citations between Li H, Sack R., and Lee
Furthermore, linear and non-linear optimization modeling were ana- S. as the three authors share common interest in modeling construction
lyzed. productivity and relations to safety. Moreover, a strong citation relation
exists between Hallowell M., Tixier J., and Fang D. with common in-
2.2. Mixed-method review and analysis terests in safety risk quantification in constriction,
Using the procedural method for searching the literature enabled
This review paper adopts mixed-method analysis integrating the precise selection of the articles with maximum relevance to the
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis review’s focus modeling paradigms used in safety risk management.
(PRISMA). This method is used to analyze the existing body of knowl- The papers were mainly from 18 different journals with Journal of
edge on the concept of safety risk management (Fig. 3). This systematic Construction Engineering and Management, Safety Science and
review implements a logical, repeatable, and transparent process to Automation in Construction having the highest number of relevant
minimize non-relevant results, which distinguishes it from the tradi- publications (see Fig. 6). All selected articles were sourced from high-
tional descriptive review. Systematic review process is done by pro- impact journals.
viding a precise overview of published works through comprehensive The interrelation of journal source citations among the selected
literature search (Newaz et al., 2018). As can be seen in different stages papers was analyzed. The most journal source citations are linked to the
of Fig. 3, different sets of keywords were chosen to ensure all relevant Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Safety Science,
and necessary articles are included. Five groups of keywords have been and Automation in Construction. This network representation is logical
implemented to capture the literature related to safety risk manage- as these three journals have published the greatest number of relevant
ment through multi-method system modeling. articles to safety risk management in the analyzed domain (see Fig. 7).
Academic databases including Scopus, Google Scholar, Science Fig. 8 illustrates the distribution of articles based on their publica-
Direct and Web of Science were focused on as these cover more quality tion years. It can be noted that between the years (1999–2008) few
publications compared to others (Aghaei Chadegani et al., 2013). The articles were published on safety risk modeling. However, an increase
preliminary search process produced a total of 732 papers, which were in published papers were recorded between (2009–2019) with larger
refined excluding non-relevant and removing duplicates. In order to number of publications in 2013. Overall, the results show the interest of

M. Alkaissy, et al. Safety Science 129 (2020) 104805

Fig. 2. Framework of research stages and processes.

scholars and researchers in the last decade. It is expected that more Project quality in construction can be quantified in different ways
researches will publish on the topic since modeling applications in including rework analysis (Arashpour et al., 2014). Rework is defined
construction safety is an evolving subject. After shortlisting papers and as the process of doing an operation at least one extra time due to
visualization of citation networks in this section, the interpretation of quality deviations and non-conformance to project’s requirements
literature search is discussed in the next section. (Nasirzadeh, 2013). Rework has been found to be related to injury rates
in construction activities. Love (2016) implemented a rework preven-
tion program, which resulted in significant reduction of incidents after
3. Discussions and literature trends
the introduction. Their study found a larger number of incidents prior
to the introduction of the rework reduction program. This is because
3.1. The correlation between safety and quality
workers can be distracted by ad hoc rework tasks while undertaking
their routine project tasks. In other words, safety is situational, and
Two decades of modeling safety risks shows that construction in-
found to link accidents causations with quality in construction as ex-
dustry is improving slower than other neighboring industries such as
plained by the distraction theory (Nnaji, 2016). Teo (2017) demon-
manufacturing due to project complexity issues (Loushine et al., 2004).
strated the correlation between injuries, rework and personnel hours
Such issues were found to be the root cause for many human casualties,
after performing a linear regression analysis with injury data as the
process disruptions, delays, and cost overruns (Shah, 2016, Maemura
dependent variable, and rework frequency and personnel hours as the
et al., 2018). The analysis of literature revealed that safety, quality,
independent variables. The results also revealed that both variables
productivity, and cost are core performance indicators that specify
account for 68.2% of variations in injury frequency.
project success (Wanberg et al., 2013). These are not independent in-
Risk modeling literature suggest that recordable injury rate is po-
dicators and for example, Hoonakker (2010) found that when quality
sitively correlated to rework, and first-aid rate is positively correlated to
management systems are implemented, safety can be improved. Pheng
the number of defects (Wanberg et al., 2013). Dynamic mathematical
(2003) highlighted the similarity between safety management and
modeling and simulating techniques for modeling quality in construc-
quality management programs and proposed a framework for in-
tion projects were investigated in Nasirzadeh (2013), where fuzzy logic
tegrating quality and safety management systems. Such integration of
and system dynamics simulation scheme were integrated. The model
the two programs reportedly results in an effective use of limited pro-
considered uncertainties associated with the parameters as well. System
ject resources.

M. Alkaissy, et al. Safety Science 129 (2020) 104805

Fig. 3. PRISMA paper review flow diagram.

dynamics causal model was also utilized by Mohamed (2011) to si- enabler on predefined safety objectives over project duration was also
mulate interactions and relationships among construction safety culture simulated and European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)
predefined enablers (Leadership, Policy and Strategy, People, Partner- Excellence model was adopted as a conceptual framework. It was found
ships and Resources, and Processes). The potential impact of each that by improving enablers, there will be a significant performance

Fig. 4. Network representation of keywords re-occurrence in literature.

M. Alkaissy, et al. Safety Science 129 (2020) 104805

Fig. 5. Network representation of author's citations in literature.

improvement. Jeschke (2017) found that by improving enablers there motives, such as saving time and easing physical activities. (Usmen and
will be a significant site performance improvement. A leadership Vilnitis, 2015) illustrated the positive correlation between safety and
training program named ’Toolbox-training’ was implemented to im- productivity such that productivity losses were higher with safety vio-
prove construction foremen’s daily tasks knowledge and communica- lations than with preventive safety practices. Also, lean production
tion skills in relation to sites daily risks, and the training was found principles are applicable to both safety and quality in construction, and
successful in improving the enablers of quality management in relation carry a vital role in increasing the productivity, as these three compo-
to safety. Other modeling studies revealed that organizations with ad- nents in construction projects are interrelated. Baniassadi (2018) ad-
hoc safety implementation should primarily focus on enhancing the dressed the existing relationship between safety and productivity in
leadership enabler to rapidly and successfully progress to higher con- construction projects and introduced a framework using Task Demand
struction safety culture maturity levels (Mohamed, 2011; Assadzadeh Assessment (TDA) to measure safety risk of construction activities and
et al., 2019). Other studies have utilized evolutionary game theory to analyze how changes in operation parameters can affect the likelihood
describe the complex and dynamic interactions among construction of accidents (Mitropoulos, 2010). The challenge to perform an activity
stakeholders and impacts on project quality and safety. The results safely was reflected in task demand, where concurrent safety and pro-
provided an overview of stakeholders’ interactions among stakeholders ductivity improvements are identified as a feasible solution to the
and supported positive outcomes for optimizing quality supervision competing objectives (Arashpour et al., 2019).
procedures and safety improvements (Guo, 2018). Theories linking productivity and safety in construction have been
the focus of research in several published papers. Salem (2006) de-
3.2. The correlation between safety and productivity monstrated improvements made by implementing the lean construction
theory, where incident rates decreased, and project performance results
Improving worker’s safety and productivity are amongst main improved. Moaveni (2019) presented lean construction theory through
concerns in the construction industry, where organizations are under the lens of safety, by proposing transformation, flow and value model
continuous pressure to produce more efficiently within a safer working (TFV) and an integration of safety in construction projects as one of the
environment (Arashpour et al., 2018). Construction productivity, can factors affecting project productivity and achieving optimal value for
be measured by the number of actual work hours required to accom- stakeholders. In addition to the aforementioned theoretical integration
plish a proper unit of work and is often quantified by the hours of work of safety and productivity in construction, the entropy theory has also
over value of the work achieved (Abourizk and Dozzi, 1993). The link been another research mainstream. Risk management at the design
between construction safety and productivity has been the focus of plays an important role in improving safety and project productivity
some previous research efforts. Findings show that safety at work (Sun, 2010). In large-scale construction projects, designing safety risk
generates a better environment with reduced costs and delays that can management is complex, but with the aid of entropy theory, safety risks
improve productivity (Baniassadi, 2018). Numerous studies have been management can be done at the design stage (Sun, 2010).
conducted on productivity and safety interface. Zhang et al. (2019) Twenty years of risk modeling in construction has revealed the
found that as workers move around on sites to accomplish different correlation between safety and project productivity. Baniassadi (2018)
tasks, they are more likely to take unsafe shortcuts due to a variety of utilized discrete events simulation to model a wide range of

Fig. 6. Distribution of papers based on publication source.

M. Alkaissy, et al. Safety Science 129 (2020) 104805

Fig. 7. Network representation of journal source citations.

construction scenarios. Their modeling framework was found to be number is also inversely related to the cost of accident prevention
capable of developing ex-ante plans for safety and productivity im- (López-Alonso, 2013). Cost estimation techniques can be categorized
provements. Goh (2019) modeled construction as production processes, into qualitative and quantitative groups (Niazi et al., 2006). Qualitative
and their approach resulted in productivity and safety improvements cost estimation techniques use expert judgement to estimate project
with increased resource utilization and reduced safety risks. Jiang costs, while quantitative methods rely on cost analysis of project de-
(2015) modeled the assessment and control of construction safety as a signs, processes, and distinctive attributes through numerical methods
complex system and designed a system dynamic model for the causa- (Chou, 2011). Probabilistic costing is commonly used in project’s early
tion of unsafe behaviors based on a holistic cognitive analysis. Their estimates to compensate for deficiencies, and identify the chances and
findings showed a positive correlation between safety and productivity degree of cost overruns, thus giving a room to control the size of pro-
in construction. A novel approach for improving productivity and safety jects and contingency funds estimations against different uncertainties
of construction projects was proposed in Hammad (2012) by adopting a including safety risks (Chou, 2011). It was found that costs of accidents
multi-agent systems architecture, real-time simulation and automated being directly related to the total number of workers, the average
resource control. In this way, a multi-layer agent-based architecture is number of subcontractors’ workers. It was also confirmed that cost of
constructed to screen, manage, and control construction resource op- accident prevention is independent of the project stage and progress.
erations, and to resolve conflicts at the managerial level. Cost-benefit analysis provides a proper tool to examine key issues such
as direct/indirect costs of incidents and benefits of safety management
3.3. The correlation between safety and cost investments (Ikpe, 2008). Indirect costs of accidents in construction
projects can be represented by the Iceberg Theory (Hamid, 2008).
Poor safety records impose massive direct and indirect costs an- Iceberg Theory states that the initial cost of an accident is only the tip of
nually on the construction industry (Lu, 2016). López-Alonso (2013) what it really costs to the construction industry. The hidden or indirect
investigated the interrelationships between costs of accidents, fre- costs of an accident is around 10 times more than that of direct costs
quency of happening, and health and safety plan budgets. It was found (Hamid, 2008, Onn, 2004)
that the average number of accidents is correlated with total number of Two decades of modeling safety risks reveals that costs associated
workers and expenditures on health and safety. Average accident with accidents in construction can affect project performance in various

Fig. 8. Publication distribution by years.

M. Alkaissy, et al. Safety Science 129 (2020) 104805

ways, by translating into delays, shattered company image, and loss of performance as well as traditional project success measures. Rahimi
market to competitors (Nasirian et al., 2019). Heravi (2014) confirmed (2018) proposed a linear mixed-integer programming model to opti-
that optimized resource utilization maximizes quality and minimizes mize risk response strategy to meet the objective functions, i.e. mini-
the risks associated with unsafe movement of construction resources. mizing the effect of risks on project quality, productivity, and cost,
They developed a time–cost-quality optimization model based on while taking in consideration the construction project constrains such
Monte Carlo simulation for analyzing safety related issues. Further- as budget and technical dependencies. In their study, a hybrid approach
more, Agent-based model simulation has been used to provide a fra- based on failure mode effects analysis based on principles of ISO 31000
mework to investigate interactions between different safety factors, was utilized to identify, evaluate, and control risks effectively. The re-
human and environmental variables (Lu, 2016). Telis et al. (2011) Used sults showed the possibility of selecting near optimum risk response
finite elements and desirability analysis to simulate an innovative op- strategies. Fang (2011) introduced a non-linear genetic algorithm op-
timization of construction designs with safety, cost and total displace- timization risk response plan model, while making it possible to analyze
ments as design characteristics. Cost-effective safety investments under risk response and anticipate effects on the global risk network. They
different construction scenarios were proposed to deliver optimal safety claimed that project managers and decision-makers may benefit from
performance. Pan (2009) introduced a hybrid dynamic simulation to the proposed technique by providing them an integrated framework to
support decision makers in the construction industry to optimize re- look ahead and supports safety risk management.
source utilization, resulting in reduced costs, efficient work schedules, As an important development in this domain, Hallowell (2011)
and enhanced productivity. presented a safety risk-based injury prevention framework using risk
quantification and analysis techniques. The results showed that return
3.4. Safety risk modeling and optimisation on investment for effective injury prevention strategies depends on a
number of parameters such as cost of injuries and frequency of occur-
Construction safety management risk modeling often relies on past rence, the implementation of specific injury prevention techniques and
injury records to indicate the likelihood and severity of potential ac- their sequences, mitigation approaches, and organization’s attitude to-
cidents for a specific construction work task or project (Sousa, 2014). wards safety risks. Sousa (2015) proposed an occupational safety and
However, all safety risk management studies operate under the as- health risk model at the activity level in construction by providing
sumption that previous trends will remain relatively stable in the short methods to quantify risk in monetary terms. Their aim was to facilitate
term, such that the magnitude of previous risks reflects future events the accurate estimation of risk mitigation costs/benefits. Similarly,
(Alruqi and Hallowell, 2019). Understandably, an optimal way for Tixier (2017) proposed a fully data-driven method to define and si-
improving safety performance is accident prevention. Gunduz (2018) mulate univariate and bivariate construction safety risk at the situa-
proposed a risk management method with practical control level stra- tional level. The combinations of kernels and copulas techniques pro-
tegies make construction workplaces safer. A quantitative safety risk vided a robust tool to model and observe safety risks, and the approach
model was developed by Ning (2018) to aid site managers in evaluation can be used to make safety risk related decisions under uncertainty of
of site layout scenarios. The developed model involved identification data.
and arrangement of safety factors for analysis and assessment function A summery findings of the selected articles for this review paper is
development. The linear attenuation law along with safety incidents illustrated in Table 1. The table incorporates project performance me-
likelihood model correspondingly were followed to establish the trics correlations to safety, the methodology used in the selected paper,
quantitative analysis functions for safety risks. Choe (2017) prepared a as well as, a brief finding or aim of the selected paper. The paper’s aim
relative injury-index data for construction trades in terms of common is to identify and develop the existing body of knowledge on the topic of
hazard types and sources of injuries and proposed a safety risk quan- safety risk management and modeling. Although the literature contains
tification model by occupations. The resultant model can develop a numerous studies on safety risk modeling, there is a gap in using multi-
better understanding of dynamic nature of the construction industry method system modeling safety risk management. It is found that errors
incidents. Mitropoulos (2010) constructed safety risk management by using only one modeling method accumulate over time resulting in
based on task demand and provided a new method to analyze safety difficult decision making (Glock et al., 2016). Using multi-method
risks related to construction activities. Their method quantifies safety modeling approaches, and utilizing all their capabilities, is a more ro-
risks based on characteristics of the related task rather than estimating bust approach to manage risk (Bokor et al., 2019). This approach can
the safety risk in terms of probability and consequences. Alomari enable practitioners and decision makers to explore safety risk impacts
(2018) studied risk perception and impact of different risk factors on that result from different project activities and evaluate alternative
worker safety in construction jobsites. Safety risk evaluation is chal- means of safety risk management. For example: Multi-method modeling
lenging due to the dynamic nature of construction work environments can be a hybrid SD-ABM to precisely model complexity (Schieritz and
and lack of consistent record keeping. Gunduz (2018) proposed a dy- Milling, 2003). Another example is the hybrid of DES-ABM which can
namic risk model in view of changes in time, construction environ- propose framework to integrate unlimited behavioural activities into
ments, and interaction between different construction stakeholders to project activity planning (Goh and Askar Ali, 2016). Also, Hybrid
optimize the control of safety risks. A comprehensive statistical model SD–DES simulation may present a methodology enabling modellers to
was developed by (Arashpour et al., 2013) to utilize real-time tracking benefit from capabilities of one simulation paradigm to compensate
information collected from construction sites, and reporting risks another one’s deficiencies (Moradi et al., 2015).
caused by parallel-running activities. In the event of an increasing risk Nevertheless, multi-method modeling can benefit organizations on
exposure for workers in construction sites, input variables are analyzed the innovation level and organizations continuous development
to derive proactive measures. A web-based approach for safety risk (Hallowell and Gambatese, 2010). Integrating multi-method system
early warning was developed by Ding (2013). They used an urban modeling with an effective systematic management of safety risk at all
metro construction project as the case study to adopt the approach with its level improves worker health and safety, as well as productivity.
a hybrid data fusion model based on multisource information. Safety Eliminating and controlling risks in the workplace by an effective safety
risk management and early warnings were automatically generated in risk management can improve and reduce the number of workplace
the model to facilitate triggering preventive or corrective measures. injuries and their severities, endorse worker’s health quality and their
Optimization modeling has been widely used in previous research. work capacity, eliminate illnesses and their associated costs, help ad-
For example, Zhang and Fan (2014) developed a near optimal risk re- vance quality and productivity of work, which result in creating an
sponse strategy by considering the integration of project cost, schedule, innovative environment for workers (safe Wok Australia 2015). With
and safety. The results demonstrated the potential for improving safety the aid of multi-method technological advancements system modeling

M. Alkaissy, et al.
Table 1
Comparative review of key areas addressed, and their feature modeling approach.
Source Safety Quality Productivity Cost Modeling Approach Conclusions

(Nasirzadeh, 2013) x x . . Fuzzy Logic, SD Negative impact of quality failures on safety

(Mohamed, 2011) x x x . EFQM, SD, Linear Regression Effect of safety enablers on project delivery
(Guo, 2018) x x . . Evolutionary game theory, SD Effect of dynamic interaction of safety risks on Quality
(Nnaji, 2016) x x . . Distraction theory, statistical analysis The dynamic relation between distraction and delivery of projects and workers’ safety
(Love et al. 2016) x x . . Swiss cheese model, statistical analysis Safety incidents reduction through rework prevention program
(Wanberg et al., 2013) x x . . TQM, linear Regression Mathematically model the interaction between safety risks and quality
(Hoonakker, 2010) x x . . TQM, Qualitative analysis Barriers to quality implementation in construction
(Pheng, 2003) x x . . Statistical model Compatibility of quality management standards with occupational health standards in construction.
(Teo, 2017) x x . . Linear Regression Analysis Relation between rework, injury rate, and personnel hours
(Zhang, 2019) x . x . Cognitive analysis, ABM Quantitative analysis of unsafe behaviors of construction workers and relations to accidents.
(Baniassadi, 2018) x . x . TDA, DES Relation between productivity, safety, and project profitability
(Choudhry, 2017) x . x . Statistical model Simultaneous relation between construction safety and productivity
(Jiang, 2015) x . x . Planned behavior theory, SD, Cognitive cause-effect relationship between occupational accidents, safety behaviors, and productivity
(Fayek, 2005) x . x . Fuzzy logic, fussy export system Labor productivity factors and relations to safety
(Mitropoulos and Namboodiri, 2009) x . x . TDA Effect of change in project parameters disturb safety and productivity
(Zhang et al., 2019) x x . x Real-time evaluation model Real-time safety risk evaluation model for metro construction adjacent to buildings structures.
(Salem, 2006) x . x . Lean assessment model Lean construction method of project delivery with low injury records.
(Goh, 2019) x x x . DES Reduction in process time, and increases in process efficiency and labor productivity can be achieved
(Aminbakhsh et al., 2013) x . . x AHP, COS model Safety risk management of different potential risk incidents.
(Ning, 2018) x . . x Quantitative safety risk management Systematic evaluation framework for risk factors that occurs in the preconstruction stage
(Choe and Leite, 2017) x . x . Safety risk quantification model Interrelation between occupational sources of injuries and injury severity and productivity in construction
(Wang, 2006) x . x x Simulation based model Assessment of expected accident costs for construction activitiesin a network schedule.
(Zhang and Fan, 2014) x x x x Optimization model Integration of project cost, schedule, and safety in construction

(Rahimi, 2018) x x x x Linear mixed integer programming model Risk responses model for optimizing projects delivery
(Hadikusumo and Rowlinson, 2002) x . . x VR, DFSP Visualization of the construction process that can be used to analyze safety hazards
(Hallowell, 2011) x . . x COS model evaluate the cost-benefit of investments in injury prevention
(Hallowell, 2010) x . . x POM technique Cost-effectiveness of safety management strategies
(Sousa, 2015) x . . x OSH-PRM Assist in conducting cost-benefit analysis for occupational safety and health risk management.
(Tixier, 2017) x . x . Stochastic simulation Quantitatively safety risk measurement in construction and relations to project performance.
(Turskis et al., 2012) x . x x reliability of production Review of reliability in construction production, the use of reserves, robust itineraries, and contingency of time
and cost
(Jung et al., 2016) x . . x Fuzzy-FMEA Understand the effect of contract changes at the construction phase on project delivery risks.
(Esmaeili and Hallowell, 2013) x . x . Delphi method, SSRAM Safety risk quantification using safety risk data into construction project schedules
(Windapo, 2013) x . . x Statistical analysis Negative relationship between degree of risk, level of risk, and cost of compliance and savings.
(Gurcanli et al., 2015) x . x x Logarithmic regression Early stage safety cost estimation using risk analysis activities and project scheduling by focusing on construction
(López-Alonso, 2013) x . . x Bivariate analysis, Statistical model Impact of safety investments on company’s construction costs.
(El-Rayes and Khalafallah, 2005) x . x x Multi-objective genetic algorithm Optimization of site lay-out and construction safety.
(Ning, 2013) x . . x Pareto-based ACO algorithm Minimize likelihood of accidents while optimizing site lay-out
(Zou and Sunindijo, 2013) x x x x SEM Construction safety performance relation with safety risks
(Mohamed, 2003) x . x x SD Balanced scorecard approach on determining efficient management framework towards safety in construction
(Mohamed, 1999) x . x x LTIFR SD model Correlation between SPI and SMI
(Rustom and Amer, 2006) . x . x Pareto model, regression analysis Factors affecting quality of building construction projects

Safety Science 129 (2020) 104805

(Zhou et al., 2009) x . x . Web-based model Hybrid data integration to web-based system for safety risk early warning in urban metro construction.
(Han et al., 2014) x x x . SD Schedule delays and rework are found critical factors for accident occurrence in construction projects which is
attributed to production pressure.
(Goh and Askar Ali, 2016) x . x . ABM, SD, DES Integrate safety considerations into early planning of construction processes to select suitable production and
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