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it is the power or

right to act, speak, or

think as one wants
without hindrance or
Freedom, generally, is having the
ability to act or change without
constraint. Something is "free" if it can
change easily and is not constrained in
its present state. In philosophy and
religion, it is associated with having
free will and being without undue or
unjust constraints, or enslavement, and
is an idea closely related to the concept
of liberty.
A person has the freedom to do things
that will not, in theory or in practice, be
prevented by other forces. Outside of
the human realm, freedom generally
does not have this political or
psychological dimension. A rusty lock
might be oiled so that the key has
freedom to turn, undergrowth may be
hacked away to give a newly planted
sapling freedom to grow, or a
mathematician may study an equation
having many degrees of freedom.
The liberty of every individual
is only the reflection of his own
humanity, or his human right
through the conscience of all
free men, his brothers and his
To be free collectively means to live
among free people and to be free by
virtue of their freedom. As we have
already pointed out, man cannot
become a rational being, possessing a
rational will, (and consequently he
could not achieve individual freedom)
apart from society and without its aid.
Thus the freedom of everyone is the
result of universal solidarity.
All societies put limits on freedom,
even the most democratic, human-
rights supporting ones. It’s a
necessity—not all actions can be
allowed in a functioning society
because some are destructive or
oppressive to the rights and well-
being of others.
Freedom comes with responsibility.
Anyone can say and do whatever
they like, as long as their deed does
not hurt themselves or violate
others. That's the condition.
Freedom must offer choices i.e
freedom: to believe, to choose, to
love, to own….for women, for
children, for the people, for the
Freedom is limited because
it is conditional. Unlike a
free will, where you can do
anything you want literally,
right and wrong.
 You can’t spread lies about
 You can’t rob or defraud someone.
 You can’t pollute the environment
because it will make people sick.
 You can’t beat your spouse,
children, or parents.
Unfortunately, many of these
forbidden things are allowed to
happen because there are
sympathetic police, judges, and
juries who feel that some people
don’t deserve protection of the law,
or they don’t care when the victim
is a different race, religion, or
income level.
The main disadvantage of the
right to free expression is the
ignorance of what it actually
allows. It is a qualified right,
and contained within the
legislation there are numerous
exceptions to free expression.
Many people feel aggrieved
that their opinions are
subject to scrutiny and, if
judged to have crossed the
line of what is considered
legally allowable, can result
in prosecution.
Society should and does legislate
to protect the rights of all, and that
includes legislating to prevent the
harassment and instillation of fear
in innocent parties, particularly
when it is based on such things as
skin tone, gender, choice of
religion, sexual orientation,
Freedom is simply an
opportunity to find a definition
for yourself , a true ,authentic
individuality , and a joy in
making the world around you a
little better and a little more
Responsibility and
freedom go together. If
you don’t want to take
responsibility, you can’t
have freedom either.

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