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 CONTEXT-refers to the situation where professional

writing is performed .it’s includes the people involved
(i.e., the sender and the receiver), relationship
between the people involed in the communication,
time and place, and some possible interfences.
 MESSAGE-refers to the context of your documents .it
includes the main topic and the details that support it.
These details may be in form of facts, statistics,
testimonies, and observation.
 LANGUAGE-refers to the channel used to convey the
message. it can either be or textual, format or informal,
verbal and non-verbal. note that you need to follow
the standard form ang use of language in professional
 Your paper will lack relevance if it does not have a
purpose. PORPUSE is the reaven is motive that you
have when communicating. it also help you determine
the reactions you want to elict from you target
 AUDIENCE-is the receiver of the message .it can
either be primary or secondary.
 PRODUCT-refers to the output that you intend to
produce after considering all the components.
The following are some example of outputs product
through academic professional writing
AcademicWriting Professional Writing

 Academic essay . thesis, Instructional manuals, specification,

dissertation, library research, brochure, business correspondence,
coursework, reaction paper, book business and technical report.
review, literature review, research
report, project proposal, position
 ACADEMIC WRITING-is a type of writing produced
by student in a academic. its main purpose is to inform
and persuade, not to entertain. the most common of
academic writing include essays, book reviews,
literature reviews, reports, project proposals. postion
papers, and reaction papers.
General tips in Writing Professional
1.Follow the basics of the writing process.
a. Be clear with your purpose and target reader.

b. Consider the context of writing the documents.

c. Organize your ideas using cohesive devices.

d. Avoid wordiness and redundancies; be direct to the point and avoid unnecessary detials.

e. Be objective and factual with your message

f. Use brainstorming strategies ( listing, free writing, clustering)to overcome writing blocks.
You may also confer with your collgues or friends to gives you some inspiration on how to
write a documents.

g. Edit , edit: eliminate all grammatical and typographical erros as much as possible.
Otherwise, the target reader may create an unfavorable impression
Don’t Do
 The proposal is good and has
 When viewed from a business
various gains and so should be
perspective the proposal can be
approved and implemented.
seen as a large risk for the company.
but is gains and high probability of
success easily allay this concern.
Don’t Do
 Receiver :CEO  Receiver: CEO
The attrition report for the The attrition for the quarter shows
quarter shows that a total of 39 that a total of 39 employees
employees voluntarily left the voluntarily left the company. In
company, which is a big number, the history of the company. In the
to be honest. This is a new record history of the company this
for the company. and not a good quarter saw the largest number of
one. separated employeers
Don’t Do
 For this year, the productivity  For this year the productivity
report shows that we report shows that we
garnered client satisfaction garnered a client satisfaction
average of 89.6%, marking a average of 89.6% marking
3.3% increase from last year’s 3.3% increase from last year
86.3% 86.3%
Don’t Do
 It is recognized that the  It is recognized that the staff
staff’s attendance for the attendance for the month of
month of July, which is July, which is characterized
characterized by frequent by frequent instance of
instances of absences and absences and tardiness and
tardiness is primarily caused primarily caused by typhoons
by typhoons and traffic jams and traffic in the city.
in the city.

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