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Let’s Get More Knowledge About

Cassava Tapai
Are you cassava tapei lovers ?

Or even reluctant to enjoy it because the taste is

sometimes “hard“ ?

Or you are discouraged or avoid cassava tapai

because of alcohol contents ?

But remember that not all tastes of cassava tapai

is the same, sometimes cassava tapai has a
sweet taste
Tape singkong or cassava tapai is one of traditional fermented
food that made ​from cassava.

This food is popular in Java and is known all over the place, ranging
from West Java to East Java.

Cassava tapei making is vary form region to region therefore the

taste and flavour of casavva tapei also vary

In West Java, known as “peuyeum”

In East Java, known as “pohong”
In Middle Java, known as “tape”
Cassava tapai made from cassava as substrate and yeast
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as a starter smeared
on cassava that have been peeled and boiled

There are two techniques in order to make cassava tapai, first is a

technique to make ordinary tapai, wet and soft, and the second is a
technique to make dry tapai, which is soft and hung without

Dry cassava tapai popular in the northern Priangan (Purwakarta

and Subang), and is known as unique souvenirs of this region
(known as hanging peuyeum, as they are traded by hanging it on
front building of a shop.)
Materials and Equipment
Materials and Equipment
Materials and Equipment
The Making of Cassava Tapai

 Prepare all of the materials needed

 Peel the casava and then scrub it until clean
 Cut the peeled casava (the size and shape of peeled
casava can be create as you want)
 Wash it with a clean water in order to remove all the
 Boil the peelled cassava. Water volume approximately
25% of pan’s volume
The casava’s texture was softenned by boiling (we
can use the fork to detect wheter the boiling was
completed or not yet)
Drain the water and allow the temperature of cassava
drop (cold)
Prepare the basket, cover the inner surface of basket
with banana’s leaf
Put the boiled casava into basket then innoculate
with starter (S.cerevisiae) approximately 1.5% (w/w)
 Close the container wit banana’s leaf to make an
anaerobic condition

 Fermentation was done at room temperature as

long as 3 days

 After completion the fermentation, the casava

was converted into new product with unique
characteristic that its called cassava tapai
The Making of Cassava Tapai
The Making of Cassava Tapai
The Making of Cassava Tapai

Incubation Period
Nutrition Value
of CassavaTapai
Chemical Reaction During Tape

Amylum glucose (C6H12O6)


Glucose (C6H12O6) etanol (C2H5OH) + CO2

The Difference Between
Cassava Tapai and Peyeum
Tapai Peuyeum
Fermentation Anaerobic Aerobic
Flavour Alcoholic Tend to sweet
Texture Soft More hard
Serving Small pieces Whole peeled

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