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 SPECIAL NEEDS- is a term used in clinical
diagnostic and functional development to
describe individuals who require assistance for
disabilities that may be medical, mental, or
 Special needs can range from people with
autism, Asperger syndrome, cerebral palsy,
down syndrome, dyslexia, dyspraxia, blindness,
deafness, ADHD, and cystic fibrosis.
Answer the Following

 What types of children does Ms. Madelyn have?

 What will be your greatest challenge if you
were Ms. Madelyn?
 What makes Joshua B different from Joven?
 What makes Joshua G different from RG?

1. How the child reacts to sensations, processes

information, plans action and sequences
behavior and thought
2. The level of functional, emotional, social and
intellectual capacities
3. Typical and necessary interaction patterns
4. Family patterns
 The differences in their developmental
capabilities and special needs syndrome make
these children unique where you can tailor
intervention programs to their needs.
 Developmental disabilities are severe,
long-term problems. They may be physical,
such as blindness. They may affect mental
ability, such as learning disabilities. Or the
problem can be both physical and mental, such
as Down syndrome. The problems are usually
life-long, and can affect everyday living.
Legal Mandates for
understanding learner diversity

Education Act of 1982 and Phil Consti (1987)

mandates that all people regardless of sex, age,
creed, socioeconomic status, physical and mental
condition, social and ethnic origin, political and
other affiliations should be given access to quality
education in line with national goals and conducive
to their full development.
Salamanca Statement and
Framework for Action (1994

 Policy in ensuring the right to education for

everyone regardless of individual differences.
Philippine Education for All
2015 national action pla

 Declaration to provide basic quality education

for all and eliminate gender disparities in
primary and secondary education.

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