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 Inclusive education provides the opportunity for special education children
to learn alongside ordinary students in the mainstream. The study of Siti
Hajar & MG. Sri Roch Mulyani (2017) states that inclusive models are an
attempt to link segregation and integration models where these inclusive
models are able to help special education children develop talent and
potential and thus get equal education services for optimal achievement.
Inclusive education not only benefits students of special education but also
aims to educate the entire community to embrace individual differences.
Moreover, inclusive learning follows the social model and is designed to
promote inclusiveness in all aspects of human life (Susila Marimuthu & Loh
Sau Cheong, 2014). This means that social transformation begins with
inclusive education.
Among the issues identified in teaching inclusive education teaching teachers
are less prepared to provide teaching, understanding and inexperience in
teaching students pursuing inclusive education (Abdul Rahim Selamat, 1994).
The consequences of neglecting this responsibility will cause problems among
teachers and administrators to carry out their responsibility to provide the best
possible educational opportunities for children pursuing inclusive education
programs in schools (Chang, Y.C., Shih, W., & Kasari, C., 2016).

 Teachers need to avoid the isolation of ordinary students and students

receiving inclusive education, as we know that students actually have the
same potential if teachers are able to find solutions and advantages within
students to develop skills in themselves as well as language, cognitive and
cognitive development. motor skills (Ferri, BA, & Connor, DJ, 2005). The
effects of student segregation will cause problems for the abandonment of
inclusive education students and this will have a detrimental impact on
student performance, personal and academic development. Therefore,
teachers should have the initiative to improve student sosialization in the
classroom in order to embrace the teaching and learning process.

 "The theory use is SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISME Theory. It was developed by

LEV VYGOTSKY, and it was used to study social systems is very important in
cognitive development This theory indicates that children's cognitive
development depends on their interaction with those who are interested in
their cultural environment. In Vygotsky's view, children's learning requires the
help of someone who have more skills to help them develop their cognitive
 Teachers therefore need to design learning situations where students can
create their own solutions to their learning tasks. In addition, teachers also
need to adapt to the state of constantly curious students and learn new
knowledge. The implication is that teachers need to be prepared in terms
of strategies, methods and techniques as well as a variety of teaching and
learning materials to promote knowledge expansion.
 Population and sample of study:
 The study population is a MAINSTEAM TEACHERS Learning District of
 The study was selected using purpovise sampling method of 4 mainstream
teachers from SK ULU MELAKA,LANGKAWI, Kedah.

 Teachers should use appropriate teaching strategies to enhance students'

social skills
 Teachers need to be confident in dealing with special education student
 teachers need to identify behaviors that are relevant to special education
students so that Special education students can benefit from effective
social with teachers and peers and help them apply successfully in their
day-to-day classes.
Thank you

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