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( ARI )

ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) is an
acute infection of the upper respiratory
tract and lower respiratory tract and
their adenaxes.
While what is meant by infection is the
entry of germs or microorganisms into
the body and reproduce, causing illness.
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an
acute respiratory disease that includes
the upper respiratory tract such as
rhinitis, phharyngitis, and otitis as well as
the lower respiratory tract such as
laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis and
pneumonia, which can last for 14 days.
A 14-day time limit was taken to
determine the acute limit of the disease.
Signs and symptoms of ARI based on
 Symptoms of a mild ARI
A child is diagnosed with mild ARI if one or more symptoms are
found, such as coughing, hoarseness, runny nose, fever or fever
and body temperature more than 37 ° C.
 Symptoms of moderate ARI
A child is diagnosed with moderate ARI if symptoms of mild ARI
are accompanied by one or more symptoms such as, fast
breathing (temperature over 39⁰C (measured with a
thermometer), red throat, red spots appear on the skin
resembling measles spots, ear pain or pus from the ear hole and
breathing sounds like snoring (snoring).
 Symptoms of severe ARI
A child is stated to suffer from severe ARI if symptoms are mild
ARI or moderate ARI accompanied by one or more symptoms
such as, lips or skin turned blue, the child is unconscious or
decreased consciousness, breathing sounds like snoring and the
child looks agitated, the ribs are drawn into when breathing, the
pulse is fast more than 160 times per minute or not palpable and
the throat is red.
The cause of ARI is a virus or bacteria, which
is easily transmitted. Transmission of viruses
or bacteria that cause ARI can occur
through contact with saliva splashes of
infected people. Viruses or bacteria in saliva
splash will spread through the air, into the
nose or mouth of others.
In addition to direct contact with patients'
saliva splashes, viruses can also spread
through contact with contaminated objects,
or shake hands with sufferers.
As mentioned earlier, ARI is most often caused by a virus,
so it will heal itself without the need for special
treatment. Some measures to relieve symptoms can be
done independently at home, namely by:

 Increase rest and consumption of water to thin the

phlegm, making it easier to remove.
 Eat warm lemon or honey to help relieve coughing.
 Gargling with warm water that is given salt, if you
have a sore throat.
 Inhale steam from a bowl of hot water that has been
mixed with eucalyptus oil or menthol to relieve nasal
 Position your head higher when sleeping by using an
extra pillow, to expel breathing.
If your symptoms don't improve, you
need to consult a doctor. Doctors can
provide medicines to relieve
symptoms, including:
 Ibuprofen or paracetamol, to
relieve fever and muscle aches.
 Diphenhydramine and
pseudoephedrine, to treat colds and
nasal congestion.
 Cough medicine.
 Antibiotics, if doctors find that ARI
is caused by bacteri
The main precautionary measure for ARI is to adopt a
clean and healthy lifestyle. Some ways that can be
done, namely:
 Wash your hands regularly, especially after doing
activities in public places.
 Avoid touching the face, especially the mouth, nose
and eyes, to avoid transmission of viruses and
 Use a handkerchief or tissue to cover your mouth
when sneezing or coughing.
 This is done to prevent the spread of disease to
 Increase consumption of foods rich in vitamins,
especially vitamin C, to increase endurance.
 Exercise regularly.
 Quit smoking.
 Vaccinate, both MMR vaccine, influenza, or
pneumonia. Discuss with your doctor about the
needs, benefits, and risks of this vaccination.
As described above, ARI is a severe
infection in the sinuses, throat, airways or
lungs. Symptoms that arise due to ARI are
nasal congestion or runny, lungs feel
blocked, coughing and throat ache, often
feel tired and body aches. A person can be
infected with ARI when the person
breathes air that contains viruses or
bacteria. These viruses or bacteria are
excreted by people with respiratory
infections through sneezing or when

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