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By : Mr. Ray O.

T.L.E. Teacher

It's a lot easier to describe what it does than what it is. For example,
electricity operates our lights, runs our refrigerators and powers our
electric motors.

The word "electric" comes from the Greek word "amber" and has been
used to describe a wide range of related phenomena. We can't see
electricity, but we can see its effects, such as light.

 Electricity can exist in a number of forms, but there are two types
of commonly used electricity:

1. Direct Current, which is provided by batteries, and . . .

2. Alternating Current which is provided by electric utilities or other
power generators in the form of electrons -- called current -- flowing
through a wire -- called a conductor.

 To gain an insight into how electricity flows through a

material, we need to understand the structure of
atoms -- nature's building blocks.
 All matter is made up of carbon, hydrogen, and other atoms.
Each atom is comprised of protons, which are positively charged;
neutrons, which have no charge; and electrons, which are negatively charged.
 The protons form the nucleus of the atom and the electrons travel in orbits
around the nucleus much like the earth travels around the sun.
 Protons and electrons follow specific laws of attraction. Since they have
opposite charges, they attract to one another. If an atom has the same number
of protons as electrons, then the atom is balanced, and stable. The orbiting
electrons remain in their orbits as long as nothing upsets the balance.
 When something upsets this balance, then some of the electrons become
"knocked" out of their orbits. The are called "free electrons". This unbalanced
condition can be caused by rubbing cat's fur on amber, passing a wire through a
magnetic field, or putting two chemicals together, as in a dry cell battery.
 The free electrons are attracted to atoms where there is an electron missing and
will fill the space just vacated by the first free electron. When this conditions
occurs continuously, the movement of electrons becomes the basis for the flow
of electrical energy we call "current".

Materials that are made up of atoms whose electrons

are easily freed are called conductive materials or
"conductors". Platinum, gold, and silver are examples
of the very best conductors of electricity. Gold is used
extensively in small quantities for high-value products
like microelectronics, high quality audio components,
computer chips and telecommunications satellites.
Copper and aluminum are also quite excellent
conductors of electricity and much less expensive.
Almost all electrical wiring is aluminum or copper.
Copper Wires

Copper wire is commonly used on the customer side of

the electric meter. While copper generally costs more
than aluminum, it is a better conductor, so smaller
wire can be used. Copper also requires less
 Copper wire is required by code for most residential
buildings. There may be exceptions for using
aluminum wire, but always check the local code
authority before using aluminum.
Copper Wires
Aluminum Wires

 Aluminum wire is used as electrical conductors on electric utility

transmission and distribution systems. The overhead wires
spanning utility poles are made of aluminum and do not have
insulation around them.
 Aluminum has two advantages over copper as a conductor for
utility lines:
 It is lightweight and economical. The light weight permits larger
spans between poles.
 And because aluminum costs less than copper, it helps utilities
keep costs down.
 Most electrical codes do not permit aluminum wiring in
residential buildings. Aluminum can be used in many
commercial and industrial buildings provided it is installed and
maintained under strict rules.
Aluminum Wires

 Insulators are materials that have structural properties

exactly opposite of conductors. These materials are
made up of atoms whose electrons are not easily
"freed". These electrons are said to be tightly bound to
the nucleus, and are very stable.
 Insulators are used to prevent the flow of electrical
current. The rubberized power cord and plastic
coverings on appliances are typical examples of
insulators. Glass, rubber, porcelain, and most plastics
are good insulators.

 Voltage is the electrical force that causes free electrons

to move from one atom to another. Just as water needs
some pressure to force it through a pipe, electrical
current needs some force to make it flow. "Volts" is the
measure of "electrical pressure" that causes current
flow. Voltage is sometimes referred to as the measure
of a potential difference between two points along a
 Voltage is typically supplied by either a generator or
battery. Generators are analogous to a water pump in a
water piping system, and batteries are similar to water
towers. Both systems have a potential difference between
the source of the power and someplace downstream from
the source.
 The scientific symbol for voltage is an "E", dating to early
days of electricity when it was called the "Electromotive
force". Scientists and engineers use the "E" symbol for
voltage, while electricians and wiring books use "V" as the
voltage symbol. This can create some confusion, since
either may be encountered. In this title, we'll use the
practical symbol "V" for voltage.

 Current is a measure of the rate of electron flow

through a material. Electrical current is measured in
units of amperes or "amps" for short. This flow of
electrical current develops when electrons are forced
from one atom to another.
 One amp is defined as 6.28 x 10 18 electrons per second.
 When current flows in a conductor, heat is produced. This
happens because every conductor offers some resistance to
current flowing.
 That is why the amperage flow in a circuit is important, since the
more amps flowing, the more heat is produced. Most people
notice this heating effect when the cord of any appliance or
electrical device heats up after the device has been running for
an extended period.
 Recognizing this heat production is important in specifying wire
sizes. When a wire carries more amps than it can handle without
overheating, we say it is "overloaded". Overloaded wires can melt
the insulation and create shocks or even fires.

The scientific symbol for amperage is an "I", dating back to the early days of
electricity. It is still used by scientists and engineers. Electricians and wiring
guides use "A" as the amperage symbol. In this title, we'll use the practical
symbol "A" for current flow in amps.
 Electrical resistance is defined as the resistance to flow of electricity through a material.
Even the best conductors, such as gold, have some resistance. Resistance elements
essentially fall somewhere between a conductor and an insulator. Resistance can also be
considered a measurement of how tightly a material holds onto its electrons. For
example, common resistance elements in a circuit are lights, motors, and electrical
resistance heaters.
 The electrical resistance of a material is measured in units called "ohms". The lower the
resistance of a material, the better the material acts as a conductor. For example, copper
has a lower electrical resistance than aluminum; copper is a better conductor. The
resistance value for most materials is listed in physics or science books.
 We can use a water piping system as an analogy. The resistance in the water pipe to the
flow of water comes mainly from the size of the pipe. Rust and corrosion inside the pipe,
objects stuck inside the pipe, and the number of bends and fittings all add up to increase
the resistance to the flow of water.
 The same is true of current flow in an electric circuit. A number of factors determine the
resistance to current flow such as wire diameter, wire length and any impurities in the
wire's makeup. For example, smaller wires have more resistance than larger diameter
wires and longer wires have more resistance than shorter wires.

The ability to do work. Watt is the standard unit in the metric system. 746 watts
equals one horsepower in the English system of units.

 Energy
Electrical energy is the average amount of power used over a given time period
and is commonly measured in "kilowatt-hours." Electric utility electric meters
accurately measure the kilowatt-hour energy use by the customer, and may also
measure peak power use during a specified time interval.
Let's calculate the energy use for a blow dryer. Say the blow dryer is rated at
1,500 watts by the manufacturer. This is how much electric power it uses when
it operates. If the blow dryer is operated for a total of 2 hours each month, the
blow dryer consumes 1,500 watts x 2 hours = 3000 watt-hours. Since utility rates
are based on kilowatt-hours, divide by 1,000 to get 3 kilowatt-hours. This shows
how power consumption and operating time are important in determining
energy use.
Ohms Law and Power
 The relationship between Voltage, Current and
Resistance in any DC electrical circuit was firstly
discovered by the German physicist Georg Ohm.
 Georg Ohm found that, at a constant temperature, the
electrical current flowing through a fixed linear
resistance is directly proportional to the voltage
applied across it, and also inversely proportional to the
resistance. This relationship between the Voltage,
Current and Resistance forms the basis of Ohms
Law and is shown below.
Ohms Law
Ohm’s Law
 By knowing any two values of the Voltage, Current or Resistance quantities we
can use Ohms Law to find the third missing value. Ohms Law is used
extensively in electronics formulas and calculations so it is “very important to
understand and accurately remember these formulas”.
 To find the Voltage, ( V )
 [V=IxR] V (volts) = I (amps) x R (Ω)
 To find the Current, ( I )
 [I=V÷R] I (amps) = V (volts) ÷ R (Ω)
 To find the Resistance, ( R )
 [R=V÷I] R (Ω) = V (volts) ÷ I (amps)
 It is sometimes easier to remember this Ohms law relationship by using
pictures. Here the three quantities of V, I and R have been superimposed into a
triangle (affectionately called the Ohms Law Triangle) giving voltage at the
top with current and resistance below. This arrangement represents the actual
position of each quantity within the Ohms law formulas.
Ohms Law Triangle
Ohms Law Example No1

 For the circuit shown below find the Voltage (V), the
Current (I), the Resistance (R) and the Power (P).
 Voltage [ V = I x R ] = 2 x 12Ω = 24V
 Current [ I = V ÷ R ] = 24 ÷ 12Ω = 2A
 Resistance [ R = V ÷ I ] = 24 ÷ 2 = 12 Ω
 Power [ P = V x I ] = 24 x 2 = 48W
Find the solution and fill the blanks with the correct
answer in the Table.
V – oltage C – urrent R - esistance
1. V = I x R = ? 15 mA 10 Ω

120 V 2. I = V÷ R = ? 60Ω
50 V 20 mA 3. R = V ÷I = ?
70V 10 mA 4. R = V ÷I = ?
5. V = I x R = ? 25 mA 50 Ω

220 v 6. I = V÷ R = ? 75 Ω
110 V 7. I = V÷ R = ? 30 Ω
8. V = I x R = ? 40 mA 100 Ω
75 V 9. I = V÷ R = ? 12 Ω
150 V 100 mA 10. R = V ÷I = ?

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