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Y MANOJ KUMAR Under the guidance of

16X91A0457 M.E (Ph.D.)
 WINS provide a new monitoring and control capability for
monitoring the Border of the country.
 WINS require a microwatt of power so it is very cheaper than
other security system such as Radar and produce less amount
of delay.
 It produce a less amount delay to detect the target.
 It is reasonably faster.
 On global scale wins will permit monitoring of land ,water
and air resources for environment monitoring.
 WINS Initiated in 1993 under Defence advance research
project agency(DARPA)in US.
 LWIM (Low power wireless integrated
microsensor)program began in 1995 for further
development os WINS sponsored by DARPA.
 In 1998, WINS NG introduced for wide varity of
 the LWIM project  multihop, self-assembled, wireless
network algorithms for operating at micropower levels.
 WINS architecture includes sensor, data converter,
signal processing, and control functions.
 The micro power components operate continuously
for event recognition, while the network interface
operates at low duty cycle.

Continuous operation low duty cycle

 WINS nodes are distributed at high density in an
environment to be monitored.
 WINS node data is transferred over the
asymmetric wireless link to an end user
 The detector shown is the thermal detector. It just captures
the harmonic signals produced by the footsteps of the
stranger entering the border.
 These signals are then converted into their PSD values and
are then compared with the reference values set by the user.

Thermal Infrared Detector

Fig. . Sensor hardware from left to right: (a) Mica2 network node,
(b) Mica Sensor Board, (c) Mica Power
Board, (d) TWR-ISM-002 Radar Board, and (e) All of the boards
attached together.
 If a stranger enters the border, his foot-steps will
generate harmonic signals. It can be detected as a
characteristic feature in a signal power spectrum. Thus,
a spectrum analyzer must be implemented in the WINS.
 The spectrum analyzer resolves the WINS input data
into a low-resolution power spectrum.

WINS micropower spectrum analyzer architecture

 Support large numbers of sensor.
 Dense sensor distributions .
 These sensor are also developed to support short
distance RF communication
 Internet access to sensors, controls and processor
 On a global scale, WINS will permit
monitoring of land, water, and air resources
for environmental monitoring .
 On a national scale, transportation systems,
and borders will be monitored for efficiency,
safety, and security.
 On a local, enterprise scale, WINS will create
a manufacturing information service for cost
and quality control.
 Reliability
 Energy :There are four way in which node consume
1. Sensing
2. Computation
3. Storing
4. Communicating
 Sensing: Choosing right sensor for the job can
improve the system performance.
 The sensor must be design to minimize the liklihood of
environment effect of wind, rain,snow etc.
 The enclosure is manufacture from clear acrylic material.

•The network is self-monitoring and secure.
•.Now it is possible to secure the border with an
invisible wall of thousands or even millions of tiny
interconnected sensors.

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