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 Presented by:

 Pavan kumar.J
 Anantapur District
 Introduction
 Block diagram
 Image capturing
 Eye detection
 Eye positions
 Features
 Advantages &Drawbacks
 Conclusion
 A wheelchair is a chair with wheels, invented in the early 5th
century. The device comes in variations where it is propelled
by motors..

 A powered wheelchair is a mobility-aided device for persons

with moderate/severe physical disabilities. Various kinds of
control interfaces have been developed for wheelchair
control: such as joystick or head control. These forms of
interface may not be accessible or practical for all people.
Through the use of an eye tracker, a different form of
wheelchair control is possible.
Wireless camera: Eye of the user is captured with a
pin hole wireless camera which transmits the images
to the base station wirelessly.

Computer Base station: The images received from

the camera are processed using Open source
Computer Vision library

Microcontroller: They are used to maintain wireless

communication protocols and on the receiver side, it
also takes care of obstacles and manual user inputs.

Motor Driver: They provide the high current required

to drive the motors.
 The Eye Detection is done using the Viola-
Jones Object Detection Algorithm says that
face can be detected by looking for
 Motion detector is used to detect the
movement of eye. We take in the feature
points for both left and right eyes and save
 Thereafter take the difference in pixels of
the left eye position and right eye position in
the current snapshot from the previous
Fig 1. : Right motion
Fig 2. : Left motion
Fig 3. : Forward motion
 It is useful for all kind of paralysis.
 Self controlled & operating facility
 Ecofriendly
 Less power consumption

 Complex to design.
 Performance of wheelchair is low at dark places.
 Cost is high.
 This set up is meant for paralyzed people and person having loco-

motor disabilities. The hardware along with the software is great tool

which makes the life of paralytic people independent.

 wheelchair that dissipates less power and can be fabricated using

minimum resources.

 The system functions with an accuracy rate of 70-90 %. The aim of

this concept is to contribute to the society in our small way by setting

out an idea for a system which could actually better the lives of

millions of people across the globe.

Any queries..

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