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Types of expressions

An expression describes a computation and evaluates to a value

Call Expressions in Python

All expressions can use function call notation

Anatomy of a Call Expression

add ( 2 , 3 )

Operator Operand Operand

Operators and operands are also expressions

So they evaluate to values

Evaluation procedure for call expressions:

1. Evaluate the operator and then the operand subexpressions

2. Apply the function that is the value of the operator

to the arguments that are the values of the operands

Evaluating Nested Expressions

mul(add(4, mul(4, 6)), add(3, 5))

mul 28 8
add(4, mul(4, 6)) add(3, 5)

add 4 24 add 3 5

mul(4, 6)

mul 4 6

Evaluating Nested Expressions

Value of the whole expression

Operand subexpression
mul(add(4, mul(4, 6)), add(3, 5))

Value of subexpression 1st argument to mul

mul 28 8
add(4, mul(4, 6)) add(3, 5)

add 4 24 add 3 5

mul(4, 6)

mul 4 6

Expression tree

Conditional Statements

def my_abs(x):
"""Return the absolute value of x."""
if x < 0:
1 statement, return -x
3 clauses, elif x == 0:
3 headers, return 0
3 suites else:
return x

Execution Rule for Conditional Statements: Syntax Tips:

Each clause is considered in order. 1. Always starts with "if" clause.

1. Evaluate the header's expression. 2. Zero or more "elif" clauses.

2. If it is a true value, 3. Zero or one "else" clause,

execute the suite & skip the remaining clauses. always at the end.

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