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Ethics. Values.

Ethics, Values, Integrity
• The study of ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with values relating to
human conduct, with respect to right and wrong.

• Values are the abstract concepts of what is right and wrong, and what is
worthwhile and desirable.

• Values are the principles or standards of conduct.

• Values are what ethics are all about. Values are what drive our actions.

• Integrity is the uncompromising adherence to ethical principles.

Ethics involves values and integrity
• Ethics are our principles of conduct, based upon our values; and integrity is our
ability to consistently live by our expressed values.

• Ethics are important for being an effective leader in tough times

• Consumer confidence in corporate leadership is nil?

• • Trust in the stock market is down the tubes?

• • CEO income is now 400 to 500 times what the average worker makes, up from 70 times in 1985?

• • Top executives inflate earnings so that the shares go up and they can unload them before the truth
is known?

• • Auditors cook the books, and tell their clients how to hide losses?

• • Corporate officers, like feudal barons, can pillage their companies, leaving the serfs to starve?

• • Retired people lose their retirement incomes because a few executives stuff their pockets with
millions of dollars of invested funds?

• • College students, in a course on ethics, are caught cheating in the final exam?
Your Heroes and Your Values

• Take a sheet of blank paper and divide it vertically into two parts

• Make a list of your heroes—the people you admire (around 10)

• On the right column, start to add what it is about each person listed that you admire.

• Then start writing a list of what is important to you: your values, ethics, morals, things that
guide your decisions.

• When you complete the activity, you will have a much deeper, clearer appreciation for what is
important to you, your values, your ethics so that you can live with integrity
Its not always Black or White
• As leaders we are often called upon to take decisions especially when the ethical
issues are blurred

• It is easier to deal with touchy situations (ethical dilemmas) when you have
already spent some time and energy thinking about your own principles and
ethics like making a list of your heroes
What is an Ethical Dilemma
• Where it is hard to know the right thing to do

• Where two obligations compete for your attention

• Where there are bad outcomes whatever choice you make

• Where the cost of doing the right thing is high

• One that frequently occurs and reoccurs

• One that occurs because it is central to your obligations

• One that reoccurs due to multiple roles you have

Process of Valuing
• The process involves seven actions.:

• PRIZING one.s beliefs and actions:

1. Prizing and cherishing what one believes, being proud of one.s personal values.

2. Letting others know, when appropriate, what it is that a person values and prizes and is willing and
not willing to do.

• CHOOSING one.s beliefs and behaviors

3. Choosing from alternatives, knowing that there are other value options one can hold.
Process of Valuing (contd)
4. Choosing values after thinking through the consequences of each value.

5. Being free to choose one’s values, unencumbered by family restrictions, value

systems of others, value systems imposed by other people or organizations.

• ACTING on one’s beliefs

6. Acting out one’s values and making decisions based on one’s values.

7. Acting out one’s values with consistency, and repetition so that people who know
you know how you will act in certain
• Most unavoidable ethical dilemmas can be anticipated

• If you can anticipate them, you can prepare for them

• If you are prepared, you will make better decisions

• Knowing the unavoidable ethical dilemmas in your life is “wisdom”

After all------

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