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Definition of Ca Servix
Cervical cancer (cervix) is a malignancy that starts in
the cells of the cervix (neck of the womb). Cervical
cancer begins in the lining of the cervix. The
occurrence of cervical cancer is very slow. First, some
normal cells turn into pre-cancerous cells, then
transformed into cancer cells. These changes are called
dysplasia and is usually detected by a pap smear test.
HIV infection.
Chlamydia Bacterial Infections.
Pregnant more than three times.
The first pregnancy at a young age.
Family history.
Clinical Manifestations
is abnormal vaginal bleeding.
Bleeding common is bleeding after intercourse
abnormal vaginal discharge. The characteristics of the
vaginal discharge include thick mucus, yellow or
brown, fetid, and itching.
Pain during intercourse.
Losing weight drastically.
If the cancer has spread kepanggul, the patient will
suffer from back pain complaints, constraints in
urination, and kidney enlargement
Nursing Diagnosis

1. Lack of fluid volume b / d loss of body fluid volume actively due to bleeding
2. Risk of infection b / d of chronic disease processes (metastasis of cancer cells)
3. Changes in urinary elimination pattern b / d infiltration of cancer in the
urinary trac
 Dx 1 : Lack of fluid volume b / d loss of body fluid volume actively due to
Objectives : After being given a five-hour nursing care for the expected
balance of adequate fluid volume
 Criteria Results:
 TTV patients within normal limits, include:
 normal Nadi (± 60-100 x / min)

 normal breathing (± 16-24 x / min)

 normal blood pressure (± 100-140 mmHg / 60-90 mmHg)

 The normal temperature (± 36,5oC - 37,5oC)

 Membran moist mucous

 Turgor good skin (elastic)

 Pengisian fast capillary (returned within ± 2-3 seconds after

 Facial expressions patient does not pale anymore
1. Supervise the input and output. Measure the volume of blood that comes out through
the bleeding
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Provides guidelines for fluid replacement needs to be given so as to maintain adequate
circulating blood volume to transport oxygen.
2. Record the maternal blood loss
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Maternal blood loss excessive lowering perfusion
3. Avoid trauma and giving undue pressure on the bleeding area
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Potentially reduce the increase in bleeding
4. Monitor the status of circulation and blood volume
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likely to cause hypovolemia or hypoxia

5. Monitor TTV. Evaluation of peripheral pulses and
capillary refill
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Monitor TTV. Evaluation of peripheral pulses and

capillary refill

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