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The Platelets

GUYTON 13 Chapter 37,page 483

 What is a platelet?
 Diameter 1-4 µm
 Disc-shaped
 Anuclear
 Reddish-purple granules
 Fragments of
megakaryocyte cytoplasm
 Surface has a sponge-like
look, openings are
channels that extend deep
within cell
 Half life in blood
 8-12 days

 Reference Range
 150,000-300,000/microliter
 Megakaryoblast
 10-15 µm
 Increased nuclear: cytoplasmic
 Promegakaryocyte
 80 µm
 Dense alpha and lysosomal
 Basophilic megakaryocyte
 Megakaryocyte
 Precursor Cell=
 Produces about 2000
 Platelets are released via
sinuses of bone marrow
 1/3 sequestered in spleen
 Thrombopoietin (TPO)
 Regulates platelet development

 Influences all stages of megakaryocyte


 Produced in the liver, kidney and spleen

 Decreased Prothrombin, Factor VII, Factor IX,
and Factor X Caused by Vitamin K Deficiency
 Hemophilia
 Thrombocytopenia
 Ordinarily, bleeding will not occur until the number of platelets in the
blood falls below 50,000/μl, rather than the normal 150,000 to 300,000.
Levels as low as 10,000/μl are frequently lethal.
 Thrombi and Emboli
 Bleeding time..1 to 6 min.
 Clotting time…6 to 10 min
 INR..0.9 to 1.3
 PT ( test) | PT (Normal)

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