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Cultural Differences Between

Eastern and Western

By group 6:
1. Eka Indah Mulyawati (1810033)
2. Feny Agni F (1810041)
3. Henri Suhartono (1810047)
4. Larassati Santoso (1810051)
5. Nadhifatul Zamma (1810063)
Eastern cultures

Eastern nations are very famous for their

hospitality towards others even foreigners.
How they greet each other, smile or make
small talk offering food or drinks. Eastern
nations also highly uphold the values ​or
norms that grow in the environment of their
society. For example the value of politeness.
1. Japanese
 Don't give a tip in Japan
Giving a tip means insulting the Japanese.
Instead of being considered loyal, you can
actually hurt their feelings if you do this.
2. India
 Don't use your left hand in India.
For the eastern region, especially Asia, the
left hand means impolite. In India, don't use
your left hand. Left hand is considered dirty
3. Chinese
 Parents always tell us to finish the food on the
plate. But, if you are in China, that would be
considered rude. If you finish the available food, it
means you do not appreciate the host who provides
food.That can make the host offended, because he felt
he did not provide enough food for his guests.

4. Malaysia
 The people there use their thumbs to give
directions or directions to other people.
Western Cultures

 Western culture is famous for being

individualistic, not caring about others and
only thinking about its own interests.
Western culture (which I have seen) is rare for
those who still use their customs. Their lives
look more modern and free. Manners in
western culture are also thin, but western
culture is far more modern, innovative and
1. Russia
 It is forbidden to smile at foreigners in
Russia. For Russians a smile is a sign that you
are interested in someone. Smiles are only
given to those who already know each other.

2. Norway
The horn in Norway is sensitive. If you go to Norway and plan to rent
a car or motorcycle, don't ever honk. Because the sound of the horn
indicates that there is an emergency. If you want to play it fun, you
should arrest it, because it can make other motorists panic.
3. German
 If you have to chat with Germans, never slip your
hand in your pants pocket. That's a sign that you
don't respect your interlocutors. When you eat, your
hands must be on the dining table. Do not hide your
hand in your lap while in Germany.
4. Brazil, Italy, Spain
 Prohibited metal greetings in Brazil, Italy and
Spain. If there is a rock concert, we usually go
straight for metal. Be careful if you are traveling in
Brazil, Italy or Spain. Metal style can mean offending
a married couple, especially for men. That means you
offend his unfaithful wife.
Thank You

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