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1. dire straits 严重
2. do our bits / shares 做好本分
3. health is wealth 健康就是财富
4. at all costs 无论如何
5. sickness/ illness / ailment 疾病
6. impart 传授
7. school authorities 校方
8. annually / yearly 一年一次
9. cry over spilt milk 后悔莫及
10. prevention is definitely better 预防胜于治疗
than cure.
9. ARTICLE (Environment)
You attended a seminar on the importance of conserving the environment. Your teacher
has asked you to write an article for your school bulletin 校刊 on how to save the
environment. Based on the information that you obtained, write your article

You should include

• The purpose of your article

Details of the seminar

• When you attended the talk
• Where the talk was held
• Who delivered the talk

Reasons to conserve the environment

• Healthy life
• Future generation
• [give one more reason]

Steps Taken By students

• No littering
• [Suggest one more idea]

Steps Taken By School

• Provide recycling bins
• [Suggest one more idea]

Steps Taken By Community

• Use own bags
• [Suggest one more idea]

When writing the article, you must

• Use the appropriate format (write the title and write your name)
• Develop all the points given
• Give your own ideas when needed

How To Save The Environment
By Civic Ng

On last Saturday, I was selected 挑选 to attend a seminar on

the importance of conserving 节省 the environment. The seminar
was inspiring and it was conducted in SMK Super. The speaker was
Mr. Lee, an environmentalist 环保人士 who works as a chemical
and environmental engineer in Malaysia. According to him, our
environment is in dire straits 严重 due to globalization. So, we
must do our (bits / shares) to save our environment before it is too
late. In short, the purpose of this article is to raise our students’
awareness regarding our environment.
A question may linger in your mind right now. Why must we
conserve our environment? Well, as we know, health is wealth. In
order to lead a healthy life, we must preserve our environment and
reduce pollutions at all costs. Otherwise, (sickness/ illness /
ailment) will come to us easily. We must also conserve our
environment for the sake of our future generation. As Mahatma
Gandhi once quoted, “The environment does not solely 仅仅
belong to us. It belongs to the future generations.” Another
important reason to conserve the environment is to prevent depletion
消耗 of natural resources. As the maxim goes, prevention is better
than cure.

As (responsible / dutiful) 忠实 students, we must not litter

around. Littering will only clog drains and in the long term, this will
cause flash floods 山洪爆发 . Worse still, vectors such as Aedes
mosquitoes will have perfect breeding grounds and diseases like
dengue fever will be rampant 蔓延 . We must also practise 3Rs on a
daily basis. For instance, we ought to recycle newspapers, reduce
using plastics and reuse bottles. Community-wise 团体 , we must
use our own recycle bags whenever we go shopping. We should also
take initiative 积极主动 to support environment-friendly campaigns
such as “Earth Day” and “Plant A Tree”.
The school also plays a vital role to impart the significance of
conserving Mother Nature to students. Hence, the school authorities
can hold Environment Month (annually / yearly). A lot of activities
regarding the environment such as spring cleaning and competitions
can then be organised during Environment Month. Lastly, the school
authorities must provide more recycling bins around the school
vicinity 邻近 so that students are reminded to recycle no matter
where they go. Via this way, students can truly pick up this habit.

By and large, we only have one Earth. If we do not want to cry over spilt milk,
we should start protecting our Mother Earth now. After all, prevention is definitely
better than cure.

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