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What is the
perfect present?

◦ The present perfect is a verb tense

in the English language that
narrates events that have already
occurred at a specific time or in the
past but that still have an
importance in the present.
have you worked today? have you studied this week? has it rained a lot this
season? have you been to the movies lately? to ask these questions in
english we use the present perfect interrogative.
The theory
To ask about actions that occur in a period of time that has not yet ended we
use the present perfect in interrogative. We form it using the auxiliary have (or
has for the third person singular) followed by the person and the main verb in
Have you bought the newspaper?
Has he brought your homework?
Have they thought about it?
La práctica
Primero vamos a ver have you 
Ahora veamos has he  y has she  Recuerda unir has con he o she para
hacer las preguntas como si fueran una sola palabra.
Y, por último, una mezcla que incluye Has it, have I  y have we .
¿Ha llamado ella? Has she called?
¿Ha sido un niño bueno hoy (se ha
Has he been a good boy today?
portado bien)?
¿Ha escrito (ella) una novela? Has she written a novel?

¿Has visto el cuadro? Have you seen the painting?

¿Has mirado por tu ventana? Have you looked out of your window?
¿Has hecho tus deberes? Have you done your homework?

¿Ha parado de nevar? Has it stopped snowing?

¿Le he ofendido (a él)? Have I offended him?

¿Hemos aprendido de nuestros errores? Have we learned from our mistakes?

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