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Justice handy Believe that the case had to be decided with an aproach of practical reasoning an

d not return rules and regulations according to handy rules are decided by the government For t
he benifit of masses because the principal responsibility of government is to insure that the ma
sses are setisfied according to him in this particular case ninety percent of the population believ
e that the four explorers were innocent and were the victims of situation justice handy said that
there were four possibilities in which the accused would have been set free
1. Majority opinion of the judges to set the accuse free.
2. a trail by a jurey.
3. a direct pardon by the executive
4. public opinion relating to the punishment.
in my opinion justice handy was correct and reasonable enough to naorrat TahAt the case Had t
o be decided on emotional and capricious grounds.the fact that he instilled in hiS judgement Th
e important role of majority opinion i do believe that majority opinion palys a very crucial role i
n the following case because thw poaitivist believe that law is a command of sovegrin and is bas
ed on the princiPals of rationality and validity and when you think about it the command given
by the sovegrin shuld insure Benifiet,welfare and demands of the majoriyt. Here, we can clearly
see that the majority wanted the accused to be pardonend which is a clear indiacator That the
majority was against the general discourse of the Courts and the govemNment so the accused s
hould have vbeen et free ThrerFor the judhgment Given by justivce handywas correct As it was
based on the grounds of Fairness Justice and the pribncials of Democratic government ie prem
eciy to majority opinion.

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