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Task Meeting 10

Oleh :
Dinda Melisri Joesa
NIM : 183310804
Task In Scrub Up
• A- = Alex
• A+ = Holly
• O+ = Katie
• AB+ = Maddy
• B+ = Freya
Task Testing Blood
1. Syringe
2. Vein
3. Test tube
4. Pipette
5. Drop
6. Slide
7. Microscope
Describe How To Do Blood Test &
Give The Result To The Patient
The first prepare patient for blood test. Then put
blood and EDTA tossing and turning the tube as
much as 3x. Then,enter the blood into a
hematology analyzer. Wait for the result to come
out of the device,print or record the result of
hematocrit. Than record it in the laboratory register
And then,give the patient a result of his blood test
and explain to the patient how the blood range is.
Anemia Disease
• Anemia is a decrease in the total amount of red
blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood or a
lowered ability of the blood to carry oxygen.
• The symptoms of anemia disease include feeling
tired,weakness,shotness of breath,and a poor
ability to exercise.
• The diagnosis of anemia in men is based on a
hemoglobin of less than 130 to 140 g/L (13 to 14
g/dL). In women,it’s less than 120 to 130 g/L (12
to 13 g/dL)
Malaria Disease
• Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease
that affect humans and other animals
• Malaria causes symptoms that typically include
fever,tiredness,vomiting,and headaches. In severe
cases it can cause yellow skin,seizures,coma,or
• Malaria is treated with antimalarial
medications,the one used depends on the type
and severity of the disease. While medication
against fever are commonly useedd,their effects
on outcomes are not clear
1. Blood tes = Tes darah
2. Leukocytes = Leukosit
3. Erythrocytes = Eritrosit
4. Thrombocytes = Trombosit
5. Blood donors = Donor darah
6. Dengue = Demam berdarah
7. Diabetes = Penyakit gula darah
8. Hematology = Hematologi
9. Blood tube = Tabung darah
10.Blood type = Golongan darah
11. Blood disorders = Kelainan darah
12. Blood pressure = Tekanan darah
13. Bleeding = Pendarahan
14. Hypertension = Tekanan darah tinggi
15. Hypotension = Tekanan darah Rendah
16. Surgery = Operasi
17. Syringe = Jarum suntik
18. Vein = Pembuluh darah vena
19. Blood cells = Sel darah
20. Artery = Pembuluh darah arteri
Thank you!

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