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•Implementing Lean Six Sigma on NH3 Bowser

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Project Goal Statement:

Enhance the dispatch capacity of Anhydrous
Ammonia from 2400 to 3600 ton/year and Reduce
average tanker dispatch time from 16 hours to 10
Objective # 1: Ammonia Bowser dispatch time to be reduced from average time of
16hrs to 10hrs per bowser (Ammonia Bowser Dispatch 1st quarter

report is attached, Total 86 bowsers dispatched and average time

remained 09hrs/Bowser)
1. Ammonia Bowser dispatch SOP developed and get signed from all interfaces
with clear responsibility
2. Daily ammonia bowser dispatch timing recorded at each step and optimized
a) Warehouse team role for bowser entry/exit
b) Ammonia bowser inspection timing
c) Ammonia bowser connection timing
d) Ammonia bowser disconnection timing
e) Ammonia bowser filling time
f) Ammonia bowser dispatch timing
3. Warehouse team call out delay handled through our USL's
Objective # 2: We were not fulfilling marketing demand due to increase customer
orders and no night time inspection facility. Intent of this project was to increase
Ammonia bowser filling by reducing ammonia bowser filling time laps ,for this
process mapping is started and found gaps in each step which are optimized now
through close coordination with marketing team on weekly basis.
1. On site Ammonia Bowser inspection protocol developed to reduce the dispatch time
2. Ammonia Bowser inspection protocol developed in night after sufficient light arrangement
3. New 2nd parrallel Ammonia bowser filling line facility provided to reduce ammonia bowser

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