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by Avdeev Andrei
 A fisherman or fisher is someone who captures fish
 and other animals from a body of water, or gathers 
Worldwide, there are about 38 million commercial
 and subsistence fishermen and fish farmers.[2]
 Fishermen may be professional or recreational and
may be both men or women. Fishing has existed as a
means of obtaining food since the Mesolithic period.
Fishing has existed as a means of obtaining food since
the Mesolithic period. Fishing had become a major
means of survival as well as a business venture.
Fishing and the fisherman have also influenced 
Ancient Egyptian religion; mullets were worshipped as
a sign of the arriving flood season. Bastet was often
manifested in the form of a catfish. In 
ancient Egyptian literature, the process that Amun
 used to create the world is associated with the tilapia's
method of mouth-brooding.
History of Spearfishing
Spearfishing is one of the oldest methods of fishing.
Since human could sharpen a stick, he used it to hunt
fish, among other things, to survive. Today we us spears
to fish for sport.
History of Ice Fishing
Ice fishing was a method of obtaining fish for food during the
winter months of the North and one of the few ways to survive
when everything is covered in ice. Today it is a sport and a way of
recreation for many who don’t depend on fish to live.
Interesting Facts about Fishing
There are 32,000 species of fish which is
more than any other group of vertebrates.
There is estimation that there are over
15,000 fish species that are still not yet
identified. Oceans are vast and who knows
what waits for us there.
There is archeological evidence that human
race eats fish for 40,000 years now.
Traditional Icelandic fisherman
Belgium shrimpers on horseback
English shrimper with pushnet
Chilean fishermen with lobsters
Indian fisherman
Thank You,
For your attention

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