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chemistry of cooking
Nicholas Kurti (14 May 1908 – 24 November 1998)
Hervé This (born 5 June 1955)
• It is the culinary process of shaping a liquid into sherpse
of liquid held by a thin gel membrane which visually and
texturally resemble caviar.
• It is the process of turning a liquid into gel which is a
solid,jelly-like material that can have properties ragning
from soft and weak to hard and tough.
• It is the process of increasing the viscosity of a
solution or liquid/solid mixture wihout substantially
modifying its other properties.
• It is the process of turning a liquid into a light air foam.
• It is the escape of gas form another body and the foaming
or fizzing thatesults form the release of the gas. And
everyday example is seen in carbonated beverages such as
soft drinks.
• There are dofferent kind of
is a sugar that will turn any
fatty liquid such as
oil,bacon fat or melted
chocolate into powder.
• Transglutaminase is an
enzime oftn refereted to as
,,meat glue” that will bind
food rich in proteins.
Mojito bubbles Martini bites
Chocolate Spaghetti
''Molecular Gastronomy may be able to make
significant contribution in the near future, and it
obviously has the potential!”

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