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Designing a rubric

A rubric is a set of criteria used to determine scoring
for an assignment, performance, or product. 
Rubrics can be used to score many kinds of written
assignments or exams, papers, projects, speeches
or portfolios. 
They are not useful, however, as a grading
mechanism for multiple choice or short answer tests.
A rubric answers the question, “What precisely is an A on a
particular assignment or project? How is it different from a B or
While this is information that many of us carry inside our heads,
in order to clearly assess student learning outcomes, it must be
articulated in writing. 
However, it is up to you – the expert in your classroom – to
define these standards and criteria and how they will be applied
to the class work that you assign. 
Your rubric will be as individual as your grading style and
Rubric Defined [Wiggins, 1998]
A rubric is a set of scoring guidelines for
evaluating student’s work
A rubric contains a scale of possible
points to be assigned to the work
A rubric provides descriptors for each
level of performance
Rubrics answer the following questions:
By what criteria should performance be judged?
Where should we look and what would we look for to
judge performance?
What does the range of quality of performance look like?
How do we determine validity, reliability, and fairly what
scores should be given and what scores mean?
How should the different levels of quality be described
and distinguish from one another?

Scoring Rubrics [Perlman, 2002]
Components of Scoring Rubrics:
One or more dimensions on which
performance is rated
Definitions and examples that illustrate
the attribute(s) being measured
A rating scale for each dimension

Rubrics are useful because they help to:
1.      Focus instruction on the most important outcomes.
2.      Provide diagnostic formative feedback so students can
3.      Communicate explicit expectations to students at the time
an assignment is given.
4.      Articulate how scoring is determined, provide a rationale
for grading accountability.
5.      Produce more consistent and reliable grading.
There are two major types of rubrics:
Holistic rubric:  one global, holistic rating for a
product or behavior
Analytic rubric: separate, holistic ratings of specific
characteristics, products, or behaviors
Holistic Rubrics [Schreyer Institute for Innovative Learning, 2001]

Provides a single score based on an overall
impression of a student’s performance
Advantage: quick scoring, provides and overview
of student achievement
Disadvantage: does not provide detailed
information, may be difficult to provide one overall
Analytic Rubrics
Schreyer Institute for Innovative Learning (2001); Arter & McTighe (2001)

Provides specific feedback along several dimensions
Divides a product or performance into essential traits so
that they can be judged separately
Advantages: More detailed feedback, scoring more
consistent across students and graders
Disadvantage: Time consuming to score

There are three steps to creating a rubric: 
1.      Define the specific performance areas that are key
elements to the assignment or project.
2.      Describe specific levels of success for each
element (from poorest to best).
3.      Assign ratings to performance levels and devise a
scoring procedure.
After you have created a rubric, it’s helpful to
share it with another faculty member in your
discipline (or better yet, in a different discipline)
to check if:

a)  The wording is understandable to a student or

novice (watch for an excess of discipline- specific
b)  The progression of criteria for each level is logical
and consistent.
Sample Rubric 1:  Short Essay
(Analytic Rubric)
Score Content Organization Development Use of Language
Answer is appropriate to the Clear sense of order.  Begins Develops each point with Uses technical or scientific
question.  Content is with a thesis or topic many specific details.  terminology appropriately
factually correct. sentence.  Supporting points Answers question and correctly.  No major
4 are presented in a logical completely. grammatical or spelling
progression. errors.

Answer is appropriate to the May lack a thesis sentence, Each point supported with Accurate word choice.  No
question.  Content may have but points are presented in a some details and evidence.  more than 2 major errors
3 one or two factual errors. logical progression. All important points and a few minor errors.
Content relates peripherally Logic of argument is Sparse details or evidence.  Ordinary word choice; use
to the question; contains minimally perceivable.  Question only partially of scientific terminology
significant factual errors. Points presented in a answered. avoided.  Some serious
2 seemingly random fashion, errors (but they don’t impair
but all support argument. communication).

Content unrelated to Lacks clear organizational Statements are unsupported Limited vocabulary; errors
question. plan.  Reader is confused. by any detail or impair communication.
explanation.  Repetitious,
1 incoherent, illogical
Sample Rubric 2: English 1A Essay
(Holistic Rubric)
W0W!!! (90-100 Points - Grade A)
Begins with an introduction that shows your understanding of the issues, grabs your
readers’ attention, and presents a strong and insightful thesis or point of view.
Engages the topic in a thoughtful and individual way, showing originality, elegance and
clear thinking. 
Develops the topic using a strong detail, quotes from other sources, and a unique synthesis
of ideas.
Utilizes library research and quotes from outside sources, always properly citing them
using the MLA format.
Possesses a fully explained and logical progression of ideas that indicates the writer’s
sensitivity to different ways of looking at the topic  with an awareness of key counter
arguments and a consideration of how those alternate positions shape your understanding
of the topic.
Ends with a strong conclusion that clarifies the significance of the paper’s lessons
Chooses words aptly and sometimes inventively.
Demonstrates mastery of most of the grammar and usage conventions of Standard English.
Uses phrasing, tone, and expression that reflects a unique personal voice.
Good! Almost There (80-89 Points - Grade B)
Begins with an introduction that shows some understanding of the issues,
gives some background and has an adequate thesis or point of view.
Presents a thoughtful response to the topic, using appropriate reasoning
and a partially realized analysis that is accurate.
Develops the topic showing appropriate details, a sense of orderly progress
between ideas, and use of references that reveal a familiarity with the
Uses words precisely if not creatively.
Varies sentence structure enough to read smoothly.
Utilizes library research and quotes from outside sources, usually properly
citing them using the MLA format.
Uses competently the conventions of written English, containing few, if
any, errors in sentence structure, punctuation and capitalization or usage.
Uses mostly consistent phrasing, tone and expression that reflect a
personal world view and style.
 Getting there  (70-79 Points - Grade C)
Presents an adequate response to the topic, using superficial
analysis and weak point of view.
Uses logical reasoning, but the supporting evidence is general
and imprecise with few examples.  There may be some small
factual errors.
Uses a less precise vocabulary and may contain awkwardness of
Utilizes library research and quotes from outside sources, with
fairly consistent use of the MLA citation format.  May make
some errors.
Contains minor errors in mechanics and usage, and perhaps
one or two more distracting errors in sentence structure.
Uses fairly consistent phrasing, tone and expression that reflect
a personal world view and style with occasional inconsistencies.
Try Again (60-69 Points - Grade D)
Responds to the topic illogically, without a coherent structure or focus.
Has no point of view, uses mostly summary and lacks evidence and support.
Makes several large, factual errors.
Makes enough errors in usage and sentence structure to cause a reader
serious, if occasional, distraction.
Improperly uses the MLA format for citations.  Makes major errors in quoting
and uses few sources.
Uses frequently inconsistent phrasing, tone and expression, often formulaic
and imitative; lacks evidence of a personal worldview and style.
Let’s not even go there (50-59 Points - Grade F)
Doesn’t attempt the task or distorts it
Lacks organization or detail.
Contains many distracting errors in sentence structure, simplistic or
inaccurate word choice, many repeated errors in grammar and usage.
Not enough is written to get a sense of personal worldview and style.
Sample Rubric 3:  Oral Communication Skills
Rubric (Analytic Rubric)
Performance Area Exemplary Good Fair Poor Score
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Organization Presenter follows Presenter follows Presenter does not There is no logical  
logical sequence and logical sequence, but follow logical sequence of
provides explanations fails to elaborate sequence (jumps information
and/or elaboration around)

Eye Contact Presenter seldom Presenter maintains Presenter reads most Presenter reads entire  
returns to notes, eye contact with of the report, but report, making no eye
maintaining eye audience most of the occasionally makes contact with audience
contact with audience time, but frequently eye contact with the
throughout the returns to notes audience
Delivery Presenter speaks Presenter speaks Presenter’s voice is Presenter mumbles,  
clearly and loud clearly and loud relatively clear, but mispronounces
enough for all in the enough to be heard too low to be heard terms, and makes
audience to hear, by most in the by those in the back serious and persistent
makes no audience, makes of the room.  grammatical errors
grammatical errors, relatively few Presenter makes throughout the
and pronounces all grammatical errors, several major presentation. 
terms correctly and and pronounces most grammatical errors, Presenter speaks too
precisely terms correctly and mispronounces quietly to be heard by
some terms many in the audience
Sample Rubric 4:  Speaking Rubric (Analytic
Speaker’s Name :_______________________________ Date: _______________
Your Name :________________________________
Check (√) in the box to tell what you think about the speaker’s performance
Area Descriptors
1 2 3 4 5
1. Fluency The speaker speaks easily, good
pronunciation, says a lot, without hesitation
2. Accuracy The speaker makes few grammar or
language mistakes
3. Vocabulary The speaker has good command of
vocabulary, the meaning is clear, only little
misuse of vocabulary
4. Listening The speaker understands his/her partner
without asking too much for repetition,
rephrasing, or clarification
5. Content or The speaker makes his/her meaning clear,
ideas relevant and adequate

Scale: 1 Poor, 2 Unsatisfactory, 3 Satisfactory, 4 Good, 5 Excellent

(Adapted from Lucantoni, 2002: 64)
Sample Rubric 5: Pronunciation scoring
Excellent: 5 Good: 4 Fair: 3 Not So Poor: 1
marks marks marks Good: 2 mark
Pronuncia All words One or two A few One or Most of
tion are clearly words are words are two words the words
and incorrectly incorrectly are are not
correctly pronounced pronounce mispronou correctly
pronounced but meaning d but nced cause pronounce
Articulation is not meaning is meaning to d
of final affected not be affected
consonant affected
e.g. ‘s’ and
‘t’ is correct
Sample Rubric 6: Writing (Extended
Written Response)
High score 5 The response is clear, focused and accurate. Relevant
points are made (in terms of reasoning sought by
exercise) with good support (derived from the content to
be used, as spelled in the exercise). Good connections are
drawn and important insights are evident.
3 The answer is clear and somewhat focused, but not
convincing. Support of points made is limited.
Connections are unclear, leading to few important
Low score 1 The response either misses the point, contains
inaccurate information, or otherwise demonstrates a lack
of mastery of material. Points are unclear, support is
missing, and/or no insights are included.
Perubahan pada Bahasa Indonesia/Inggris
No Implementasi Kurikulum Baru
Kurikulum Lama
Materi yang diajarkan
ditekankan pada Materi yang dijarkan ditekankan pada kompetensi
1 tatabahasa/struktur berbahasa sebagai alat komunikasi untuk
bahasa menyampaikan gagasan dan pengetahuan
Siswa tidak dibiasakan Siswa dibiasakan membaca dan memahami makna
2 membaca dan memahami teks serta meringkas dan menyajikan ulang dengan
makna teks yang disajikan bahasa sendiri
Siswa tidak dibiasakan
3 menyusun teks yang Siswa dibiasakan menyusun teks yang sistematis, logis,
sistematis, logis, dan dan efektif melalui latihan-latihan penyusunan teks
Siswa tidak dikenalkan Siswa dikenalkan dengan aturan-aturan teks yang
4 tentang aturan-aturan teks sesuai sehingga tidak rancu dalam proses penyusunan
yang sesuai dengan teks (sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi: siapa, apa,
kebutuhan dimana)
Kurang menekankan pada Siswa dibiasakan untuk dapat mengekspresikan dirinya
5 pentingnya ekspresi dan dan pengetahuannya dengan bahasa yang meyakinkan
spontanitas dalam secara spontan
Proses yang Mendukung Kreativitas

PROSES Pendekatan saintifik dan

PEMBELAJARAN kontekstual
Kemampuan kreativitas diperoleh melalui:
 Observing [mengamati]
 Questioning [menanya]
 Associating [menalar]
 Experimenting [mencoba]
 Networking [Membentuk jejaring]

Penilaian Otentik
 penilaian berbasis portofolio
 pertanyaan yang tidak memiliki jawaban tunggal,
 memberi nilai bagi jawaban nyeleneh,
 menilai proses pengerjaannya bukan hanya
 penilaian spontanitas/ekspresif,
 dll
Berikut ini contoh tes praktik keterampilan berbicara dalam
Bahasa Inggris.
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X / 1
Tahun Pelajaran : 2013/2014
Kompetensi Inti :
2.4 Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan
ranah abstrak terkait dengan perkembangan dari yang
dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu
menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.
Kompetensi Dasar:
4.2 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk memaparkan,
menanyakan, dan merespon pemaparan jati diri, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
Peserta didik dapat mengenalkan diri secara lisan
dengan lancar, menggunakan pilihan kata yang tepat,
serta pengucapan dan intonasi yang benar.

Rumusan soal :
Please introduce yourself in front of the class! Make sure
with your pronunciation, intonation, and diction!
Kriteria, skor, dan indikator keterampilan berbicara:
1. Skor maksimal = jumlah kriteria x jumlah
indikator setiap kriteria = 4 x 3 = 12.
2. Nilai keterampilan = (jumlah skor perolehan
: skor maksimal) x 100 = (10 : 12) x 100 = 83

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