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Geological activities usually include natural disasters that occur as a result of
geological activities, which of course more or less will affect the condition of
land ecosystems because these geological activities occur on the earth's
surface or are caused by movements or activities from the earth's base that
appear to the surface. The meaning of geology itself is the study of all things
about the earth. So that the various types of geological natural disasters that
occur are purely derived from activities on the surface of the earth not
affected by humans or other living things.

Keywords: Geological Activities, Natural Disasters, Ecosystems, Mainland,
Geological activities that include geological natural disasters are extreme
natural events caused by various geological and geophysical phenomena.
Geological natural disasters, for example, are earthquakes, tsunamis,
volcanic eruptions and landslides
Terrestrial ecosystems are ecosystems whose environmental factors are
more dominated by land. The terrestrial ecosystem itself is in a very large
area or also called a biome. The type of biome itself is strongly influenced by
climate, while the climate itself is influenced by the geographical location in
latitude and also from the height of a sea surface
For this reason, research is needed on how the state of terrestrial
ecosystems after the occurrence of geological activities and how the
conditions after geological activities occur and we also need to know how to
respond when a geological activity includes natural disasters
 1. What are the impacts and effects of geological activities on terrestrial life
 2. How to respond if natural disaster happened
This article was compiled with the aim of fulfilling the assignments given by
TPB lecturers . The benefit for me is to add insight and increase knowledge.
The benefits of making this scientific article are to expand knowledge about
geological activities, especially natural disasters and to inform that there are
impacts that will occur if there are natural disasters and also to broaden the
horizon of natural disasters and their impacts.
 According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2001), the definition of
disaster is an event or event in an area that results in ecological damage,
loss of human life, as well as deteriorating health and significant health
services that require extraordinary assistance from outside parties.
 While the definition of disaster (disaster) according to WHO (2002) is any
event that causes damage, ecological disruption, loss of human life, or
deteriorating health status or health services at a certain scale that
requires a response from outside the community or affected area.
 The research method is a process or method chosen specifically to solve
the problem raised in a research. While the understanding of research
methodology is a science that explains how a study should be carried out ..
 Data collection techniques used in this study are collecting and analyzing
data obtained from browsing the internet and from some journal
The existence of geological activities certainly affects the
terrestrial ecosystems and the survival of living creatures that
exist on land. The impacts when geological activities occur is
the reduction of human, animal and plant populations due to
natural disasters. Natural disasters can have damaging impacts
on the economic, social and environmental fields. Damage to
infrastructure can interfere social activities, impacts in the
social sector include death, injuries, illness, loss of shelter and
community chaos, while environmental damage can include the
destruction of forests that protect the land
Responding to Disasters For that there are 3 things we must do before and
when disasters happened. These three things are important and cannot deny
one of them.
1. The spiritual aspect is to surrender and pray
2. Humanitarian Aspects, namely Helping Disaster Victims.
3. Technical Aspects, namely Building Facilities and Infrastructure

Therefore we need to respond properly when we are dealing with natural

disasters because we cannot prevent these natural disasters but we can
minimize the impact that will result from these natural disasters. Because
these incidents will greatly impact the conditions and lives of living things on
land such as activities are disrupted and damage to existing facilities.
The conclusion that can be drawn is that geological activities that natural
disasters have an influence on the life of living creatures on land and sea
and also the occurrence of natural disasters can not be regulated so that
there is a need for anticipation and how to respond properly and correctly so
as not to be affected or minimize the risk of being affected bad for life.

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