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• NAMA : AULIA RAHMAN (190320047)

ADINDA SABRINA (190320048)
• Identification sentence

1.above ground shoot A.scabra consist of one pseudostem....(active present tense)

2.The number of nodes per pseudostem increases, up to....(active present tense)

3.Pseudostem of smaller A.scabra stand vertically....(active present tense)

4.On the contrary,the leaf surface is horizontally oriented,irrespective....(passive voice in Present tense)

5.the horizontal orientation of leaf survace is thought to be effective for capturing the mist light per unit leaf area....
(passive voice in Present tense)

6.The internode length decreases from.....(active present tense)

7.the ontogenic change of leaf size in large individuals of A.scabra show that....(active present tense)

8.thus, leaves were small near the base,where pseudostem stood vertically....(active past tense)

9.the combination of an erect....and small near the best contributes (active present tense)

10..the result of this study suggest that (active present tense

• Crown architecture of a ginger, Alpinia scabra (Zingiberaceae), was studied on Mount
Halimun in a tropical submontane
• forest in West Java, Indonesia zingiberacea is one of the most dominant plant species
in the tropical rain forest in southeast asia. there are some ecological studies from the
suzuki family (2000) examining the special distribution of some ginger species
(zingiberaceae) in relation to edaphic conditions in Indonesia's tropical submontan
forests. they found that the spatial separation between ginger species, was caused by
interspecific differences in edafic conditions that matched the mesic-xeric conditions.
efficient light capture is important for the growth and survival of plants that grow
underground. Alpina scabra is a dominant ginger species that lives in the subtropical
forest of West Java, Indonesia.The scabra discusses leaves that function to capture light
efficiently by adjusting the length of the segment, leaf angle, pseudostrem angle,
scabra shows the size of the leaf increased from the base of the pseudostrem to the
midpoint of the pseudoatrem, and the level will decrease or increase slightly since then.

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