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• a nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive

uneasiness and apprehension, typically with compulsive
behavior or panic attacks.
• Normal anxiety is adaptive. It is an inborn response to threat
or to the absence of people or objects that signify safety can
result in cognitive (worry) and somatic (sweating, shaking,
freezing, shaking, etc)
• Pathologic anxiety is anxiety that is excessive, impairs
Causes of Anxiety
There is no specific cause for anxiety disorders, Several factors can play
a role.
• -Genetic
• -Overactive flight or flight response
• Caused by too much stress
• -life circumstances
• -Personality
• People with low esteem and poor coping skills may be more prone.
• -certain drugs
• It can lead symptoms of anxiety due to either side effects or
withdrawal from the drug.
In the central nervous system (CNS), the major mediators of
the symptoms of anxiety disorders appear to be
norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, and gamma-
aminobutyric acid (GABA). Other neurotransmitters and
peptides, such as corticotropin-releasing factor, may be
involved. Peripherally, the autonomic nervous system,
especially the sympathetic nervous system, mediates many of
the symptoms. 
• (+) Dizziness
• (+) headache
• (+) Dehydration
• (+) weakness
• (+) Blurred vision

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