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Presentation on application

software and software issues

Presented by : Pankaj Neupane

SID : A12023
Introduction  Graphics
Types of application  Computer aided designs
software  Communications
Types of personal  Multimedia
application software
 Speech recognition
 Spreadsheets software
 Data management  Groupware
 Word processing
 Desktop publishing
Software suites and other personal application
Software issues
 Software evaluation and selection
 Software licensing
 Software upgrades
 Open systems
 Open source software
Application software is all the computer software
that causes a computer to perform useful tasks
(compare with computer viruses) beyond the running
of the computer itself.
It utilizes the capacities of a computer directly to a
dedicated task. Application software is able to
manipulate text, numbers and graphics.
Types of application software
 Designed to solve a unique and specific problem
 Development of application software using the
company’s resources
 Developed for a particular company
 An existing software program that can be used without
considerable changes expected
Types of personal application software
Spreadsheet Software: 

Spreadsheet software allows users to perform

calculations. They simulate paper worksheets by
displaying multiple cells that make up a grid.
Examples are Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 and Apple
Numbers .
Data management
It supports the storage, retrieval and manipulation of
related data.
Two types:
1) Simple filing programs
2) Database management programs
Examples: Microsoft access,etc
 Word Processing Software: 
This software enables the users to create and edit
 Memos
 Reports
 Correspondence
 Minutes of meetings
 Anything to be typed

 Example : MS-Word, WordPad,

Desktop publishing
It represents a level of sophisticated beyond regular
word processing. It allows microcomputers to perform
these tasks directly.
 Newsletters
 Reports
 Brochures
Graphics are visual presentations on some surface,
such as a wall, canvas, screen, paper, or stone to brand,
inform, illustrate, or entertain. It allows us to absorb
more information quickly and to spot the relationships
and trends in data more easily .its types are:
1) Presentation graphics
e.g.: powerpoint,etc
2) Analysis graphics
e.g. : bar diagrams,etc
Computer aided designs software
Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of
computer systems to assist in the creation,
modification, analysis, or optimization of a design.
It is used to increase the productivity of the designer,
improve the quality of design, improve
communications through documentation, and to
create a database for manufacturing.
Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio,
still images, animation, video, or interactivity content
Multimedia is usually recorded and played, displayed,
or accessed by information content processing devices,
such as computerized and electronic devices, but can
also be part of a live performance.
Communication is the activity of conveying
information through the exchange of thoughts,
messages, or information, as by speech, visuals,
signals, writing, or behavior.
 It is the meaningful exchange of information between
two or a group of living creatures.
Speech recognition software
Speech recognition (SR) is the translation of
spoken words into text.
 It is also known as "automatic speech recognition",
"ASR", "computer speech recognition", "speech to
text", or just "STT".
Examples : handling calls system used by the jet air
Groupware is application software designed to
help people involved in a common task achieve goals.
The design intent of collaborative software is to
transform the way documents and rich media.
Examples: collaboration software,etc
Software suites and other personal
application softwares
A software suite or application suite is a collection
of computer programs —usually application software
or programming software— of related functionality,
often sharing a more-or-less common user interface
and some ability to smoothly exchange data with each
Advantages - Less cost than buying individual
Disadvantages - takes a lot of disk space
Software evaluation and selection
Identifies the organization software needs.
Then, specific software is evaluated.
Evaluation team composed of team members are chosen for the
evaluation process.
It will study the alternatives and find the software that best suits
the organization.
 Selection factors
Size and location of the user base
System administration tools
Initial and subsequent costs
Current and future system capabilities
Existing computing environment
In-house technical skills
Software licensing
The vendor need to protect the investment so they
protect their software from being copied and
distributed by individuals.
A company can copyright its software to be saved from
illegal piracy.

 Copyright - exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish,

and sell the software
 Licenses - permission granted under the law to engage in
an activity otherwise unlawful
Software upgrades
Software vendors revise their programs and sell new
version often.
It may contain bugs.
 Upgrading in a large organization is a major undertaking,
so must assess the merits of the new release.
So, it is very important to study the study the software
first and then should be used by the organizations for
an upgraded software.
Open system
Open system , one of a class of computers and
associated software that provides some combination of
interoperability, portability and open software
standards, particularly Unix and Unix-like systems.
It is possible with the use of same operating system
with compatible software on all the different
 Empower designers to choose the best computer hardware,
operating system, and application software without
compatibility concerns
Open system software
Open-source software (OSS) is computer software
with its source code made available and licensed with a
license in which the copyright holder provides the
rights to study, change and distribute the software to
anyone and for any purpose.
They are more reliable than commercial software.
Examples: Red hat Linux, Apache web servers,etc

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