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Publish And Share

In Power BI
College of Computer Studies
What is in this module?

o Introduction to content
Introduction o
packs, security, and groups
Publish Power BI Desktop
Learning Objectives o
Print and export
dashboards and reports
o Introducing Power BI
o Create workspaces in
Power BI
o Build apps
Course Description HERE o Use apps
o Integrate OneDrive for
Business with Power BI
o Publish to web
To Content
Packs, Security,
And Groups
Introduction to content packs, security,
and groups
Share and collaborate with colleagues in Power BI

Power BI offers various ways of sharing and collaborating with colleagues on your dashboards, reports,
and data including:

• Publish your reports from Power BI Desktop to the Power BI service.

• Create Apps that package a dashboard, report, and dataset to send to your colleagues, who can use
the content pack as a starting point and further enhance it.
• Create Groups, which you can use as a security model to identify a subset of users who have access

to dashboards, reports, and datasets that you create.

• Publish to the web so that live reports can be embedded in a webpage.
Power BI
Publish Power BI Desktop reports

Publishing your reports to the Power BI service is fast and simple.

After you've completed writing your report, select the Publish button on the Home tab.

Power BI packages your report and

data, including visualizations, queries,
custom measures, and uploads them to
the Power BI service.

When the upload is complete, a dialog

box appears, informing you that the
publishing process succeeded, and
provides a link to your report in the
Power BI service.
Print And Export
And Reports
Print and export dashboards and reports

Occasionally, you might want to print a report or dashboard for a meeting or for sharing with others. Power
BI provides a few ways for you to make these printouts.

In the Power BI service, select Export in the top-left side of the service and then select Print this page to
open a print dialog box.
Export data from a visual

You can also export the data from any visual in the Power BI service. Select
the ellipsis on any visual and then select Export data. You can save to a
Microsoft Excel file or a .CSV file.

You can also print or export directly from a report. When you are viewing a report in the Power BI service,
select Export > Print to open the print dialog box.
Manually republish and refresh your data

To update reports and datasets that you've already published from Power BI Desktop to the Power BI
service, select Publish on the Home tab.
When you republish a report in the Power BI service, you're prompted to confirm that you want to replace
the previous dataset and reports.

When you select Replace, the datasets and reports in the Power BI service are overwritten with the new
datasets and reports.
Power BI Mobile
Introducing Power BI Mobile

To keep track of your data while you're on the move, you can use one of Power BI's touch-friendly mobile
applications for iOS, Android, or Windows devices.
Sign in to your account by using your Power BI service account information. The first screen displays all the
content to which you have access, including reports, dashboards, and groups. The workspace also includes
sample dashboards that you can explore for inspiration.
Introducing Power BI Mobile

Tap any dashboard to open it. Within a dashboard, you can tap a dashboard
tile to focus on it in a larger view. Note any insights that you discover by
tapping the Annotate button in the top-right corner. The Annotate feature
allows you to draw on a focused tile to highlight areas of interest. The
annotation tools are along the bottom of the screen.

Share your annotated tile by tapping the Share link in the top right-hand

In Power BI
Create workspaces in Power BI

Workspaces are places to collaborate with colleagues to create and refine collections of
dashboards, reports, and paginated reports. There are two types of groups in Power BI:

• Classic workspaces - groups are based on the groups in Office 365. If you've been using
Office 365 groups to manage your group's email, calendar, and documents, then you'll find
that Power BI offers the same features. When you create a group in Power BI, you're
actually creating an Office 365 group.

• New workspaces - are now the default workspace in Power BI. -Assign workspace roles to
user groups: security groups, distribution lists, Office 365 groups, and individuals.
o Create a workspace in Power BI without creating an Office 365 group.
o Use more granular workspaces roles for more flexible permissions management in a
o The Power BI admin can control who can create workspaces in Power BI.
Setting up a new workspace

In Workspace settings in the admin portal, admins can use the Create workspaces (new workspace
experience) setting to allow everybody or nobody in an organization to create new workspace experience
workspaces. They can also limit creation to members of specific security groups.
Setting up a classic workspace

Imagine setting up a new finance group. Start in My Workspace with the

dashboards, reports, and datasets that you've created or that someone has shared
with you.

Expand My Workspace and select Create a group.

Give the group a name, for example, Finance. Power BI makes sure that the
name doesn't exist on the domain.

Set the privacy level by deciding whether anyone in your organization or

only its members can see the contents of the group.

In the Create a group dialog box, type email addresses, security groups, and
distribution lists. Select Add to make the set of users members of the group,
and then select Save to save the group.
Build Apps
Build apps

Start in the Power BI service. In My Workspace, you will create an app that includes your dashboard, the
report underneath, and the dataset. Then, you will share the app with people in your organization so they
can reuse the artifacts. In the workspace list view, decide which dashboards and reports you want Included
in app.

Select the Publish app button in the upper right to start the process of creating and publishing an app from
the workspace.
Build apps

On Setup, fill in the name and description to help people find

the app. You can set a theme color to personalize it. You can
also add a link to a support site.

Choose whether to distribute the app to specific people or to

groups, and then give the app a title. Provide a detailed
description in the Description box so that people know what
your app provides.

On the bottom of the dialog box, you can upload an image for
the app and then select the dashboard to include in the app.
When you publish, the app is added to the organization's
content gallery.
Use Apps
Use apps
Start in My Workspace, select the group that you previously created, select My Organization to browse
your content packs, and then connect to your app.
Use apps
Power BI imports the dashboards, reports, and datasets that are in the app.

When you select the dataset, Power BI asks if you want to personalize the app. Create a copy of the app
that you can use to make changes to yet keep it disconnected from the published version of the app. By
creating a copy, you won't automatically receive updates if the app creator makes changes to the published
version of the app. You can edit the dashboard, the report, and even the dataset if you want.
Update apps
To edit an app that you created previously and see how other people use your app, start in the Power BI
Service in My Workspace. Anytime that you make changes to the dashboard, you'll get a reminder that
you've changed something that you've shared with others in an app. Power BI will prompt you to update the
shared version.
Update apps
Return to the settings icon and select View app to see the apps that you've already published. When you
select Edit, you'll return to the screen where you can edit the title and description. This time, the screen
includes an Update button.

Power BI processes those changes and publishes the updated app to the app gallery. Anyone who has
connected to your app will receive a message that the app has changed, and they will have the option to
accept the changes or to keep the older version. As the app owner, you can manage the versions that your
colleagues are using.
For Business
With Power BI
Integrate OneDrive for Business with Power BI
OneDrive for Business is a potential storage location for your Power BI content that provides version
history. You can share your files with an Office365 group to enable several people to work on the same
Power BI or Excel files.
Integrate OneDrive for Business with Power BI
To connect to a PBIX (Power BI Desktop) file on OneDrive for Business, sign in to the Power BI service and
select Get Data. Under Create new content, select Files, and then select OneDrive - Business. Highlight
the file and then select Connect.

Your content appears on the

left-hand side navigation bar.
File changes on the OneDrive
for Business page will
automatically reflect in the
Power BI environment and will
be recorded in the version
Publish to web
In the Power BI service, select the report that you want to share so that it's displayed on the canvas. Then
from the menu, select File > Publish to web. A dialog box will appear, explaining that you'll receive an 
embed code that will allow you to include the report on a website or in an email.
Publish to web
When you select Create embed code, Power BI presents another dialog box stating that you're about to
share your data with everyone on the Internet. Verify that sharing publicly is acceptable before moving ahead.
Power BI presents a dialog with two links:

• A link that you can share in an email, which shows the report as a webpage
• HTML code (a link plus within an iframe) so that you can embed the report directly into a webpage

For the HTML link, you can choose from predefined sizes for the embedded report, or you can modify the
iframe code and customize its size.
Publish to web
You can paste the email link into a browser and see your report as a webpage. You can interact with that
webpage just as you would if you were viewing the report in Power BI. The following image shows a Publish
to web page when its link was copied directly from that dialog box into a browser.
You can also embed that iframe link into a blog post,
website, or Sway.

If you want to delete an embedded code that you

created, Power BI can help. In Power BI, select the
gear icon in the upper-right corner and then select 
Manage embed codes.

The Power BI workspace shows the embed codes

that you've created.
By: Jewel Anne R. Atanacio

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