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Writing an E-mail to a friend

At this moment, you are part of an

academic exchange program, in a
foreign country. You write an e-mail
that has the following information.
Text content
• Greet your friend and introduce your mail. :
• Write about what program you are studying and
where you are studying it.
• Write about the people you live with and the place
where you live.
• Write about how your week is, what you do in the
university, in your free time, your classes, etc.
• Write about what you and the people around you
are doing at the moment.
• Say good bye and close your mail.
• Don’t use Google translator: Wordreference or
Linguee are good online dictionaries.

• Take a look at your books (unit 9).

• Be precise with the information to write.

• Use the structure we worked in class (Present

simple – progressive) to write your text.

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