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Postural Assessment

Posture is how the body balances.
Muscles, bones, and ligaments all work together to
exert postural control.
The nervous system innervates these structures to
regulate growth and function.
Muscles and their nerves…
A) provide stability to the trunk.
B) produce movement during physiologic activity.
Postural Analysis
 The motor system consists of bones, muscles, and ligaments.
 The nervous system controls the motor system.
 Postural analysis is an assessment of the function of the
motor system as well as the nervous system.
Pain Cycle
Neutral Posture
 The brain and nervous system utilize information from three
sources to balance the body in space.
 Sources of balance…
 Eyes – level.
 Ears – vestibular apparatus.
 Muscles and joints – proprioceptive pathways.
Righting Reflex
 A postural reaction that turns a falling animal's body in space
so that its paws or feet are pointed at the ground.
 Returns the animal to sternal recumbency after being placed
on its back or side.
 A normal reaction is dependent on normal vestibular, visual
and proprioceptive functions.
Postural changes can be the cause of a clinical
Postural changes can be the effect of a clinical
Orthopedic problems can cause a postural change,
which can worsen the orthopedic problem.
Asymptomatic postural problems can produce
mechanical stress, which can predispose an
individual to injury.
Ideal Posture
There is no “normal” posture.
Ideal posture serves as a reference point.
Ideal posture…
 Distributes gravitational stress for balanced muscle function.
 Allows joints to move in their mid range to minimize stress on
ligaments and articular surfaces.
 Effective for the individual’s activities of daily living.
 Allows the individual to avoid injury.
Balanced Posture
Effect of Habits on Posture
 Good habits contribute to a strong and stable posture.
 Bad habits contribute to poor posture and instability.
Examples of Poor Postural
 Excessive sitting.
 Carrying a heavy backpack.
 Slumping.
 Poor sleeping positions.
 One-sided activities…
 Carrying a heavy purse.
 Sitting on a wallet.
 Sitting in a twisted position.
Postural Changes
Effects of Poor Posture on
 Overstressed muscles tighten.
 Favored muscles weaken.
 This imbalance perpetuates the poor posture.
Spinal Distortions
 Anterior to posterior.
 Lateral.
 Helical.
 Foundational distortions create changes above.
Spinal Column Views
Helical Spinal Distortion
Muscle Palpation
 Palpate for hypertonic (overused) muscles.
 Palpate for weak / inhibited muscles.
 A muscle is weak because it is unstressed and should be
strengthened with exercise.
 An inhibited muscle is not being used because it’s
antagonistic muscle is being overused.
Reciprocal Inhibition
 Reciprocal inhibition describes muscles on one side of a joint
relaxing to accommodate contraction of muscles on the other
side of a joint.
Reciprocal Inhibition
Postural and Phasic Muscles
 Postural (tend to  Phasic (tend to
hyperactivity) hypoactivity)
 Triceps surae  Tibialis anterior
 Hamstrings  Gluteus maximus
 Gluteus medius
 Adductors
 Rectus abdominus
 Rectus femoris
 Lower / middle trapezius
 Tensor fascia latae (TFL)
 Longus capitus and colli
 Psoas
 Deltoids
 Erector spinae  Digastrics
Postural and Phasic Muscles
 Postural (tend to
 Quadratus lumborum (QL)
 Pectoralis
 Upper Trapezius
 Sternocleidomastoid
 Suboccipital
 Masticatories
Posture Blocks
Prior To Postural Evaluation
 Obtain pertinent history.
 Description of symptoms.
 Fractures.
 Injuries.
 Congenital anomalies.
 Dominant hand.
 Note gross structural asymmetries such as scoliosis.
Postural Views
Posture Types
Posterior View Evaluation
 Occipital protruberance.
 Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinous processes.
 Coccyx.
 Gluteal folds.
 Arms should hand equally with palms slightly visible.
Posterior View Evaluation
 The space between the arms and sides of the body should be
 Legs should be equally abducted.
 The backs of the knees should be the same.
 Ankles and feet aligned b/l (no pronation or supination).
Posterior View Evaluation
 Occipital protruberance.
 Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinous processes.
 Coccyx.
 Gluteal folds.
 Arms should hand equally with palms slightly visible.
Posterior View Evaluation
 Structures that should be level and equal.
 Tips of mastoid processes.
 Acromia.
 Scapula.
 Lower margins of 12th ribs.
 Iliac crests.
 Posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS).
 Ischial tuberosities.
Ideal Posterior Alignment
Pelvic Unleveling
Gothic Shoulder
Scapular Winging
Scapular Winging and Abduction
Tight Levator Scapula
High Left Shoulder
Right Head Tilt and Rotation
Lateral View
Evaluate from both sides.
External auditory canal.
Acromion process of shoulder.
Axillary line.
Mid-point of iliac crest.
Greater trochanter of hip.
Lateral condyles of femur.
Tibia slightly anterior to lateral malleolus.
Ideal Lateral Alignment
Head Alignment Lateral View
Forward Head Posture
Head and Neck Weight
Forward Head Tilt
Abdominal Protrusion
Pelvic Tilt (Anterior and
Anteroposterior / Front View
Balanced posture should appear equal from left to
Bridge of nose.
Center of chin.
Episternal notch.
Xiphoid process.
Anteroposterior / Front View
 Arms should hang similarly with palms at the side of the
 Shoulder girdle symmetry
 Hands should show similar rotation and placement on the body
 Legs should appear equally abducted from the center line
Anteroposterior / Front View
 Feet aligned b/l
 No pronation / supination
 No inversion of eversion
 Knees forward and symmetric b/l
Anteroposterior / Front View
 Structures that should be equal b/l and level
 Eyes
 Clavicles
 Lower margins of the ribcage
 Anterior superior iliac spines (ASIS)
 Femoral trochanters
 Knees
 Ankles
Internal Rotation of Shoulders /
Rounded Shoulders
Genu Valga (Knock-knees)
Genu Vara (Bowlegs)
Upper Crossed Syndrome
 Affects the head, neck and shoulders.
 Result of long-term seated postures.
 Rolled-in and forward shoulders.
 Increased thoracic kyphosis.
 Forward head posture.
 Loss of cervical lordosis.
Upper Crossed Syndrome
Postural Signs of Upper Crossed
 Postural finding  Dysfunction
 Rounded shoulders  Shortened pectorals

 Forward-drawn head  Kyphotic t-spine

 C0-C1 hyperextension  Short suboccipitals

 Weak serratus anterior
 Winging of scapulae
 Shortened upper trap, shortened
 Elevation of shoulders levator scapulae, weak lower
and middle trap
Muscle Imbalances in Upper
Crossed Syndrome
 Tight-short muscles  Weak-long muscles
 Suboccipitals  Mid to lower trapezius
 Pectorals  Serratus anterior
 Anterior shoulder
 Upper trapezius
Lower Crossed Syndrome
 Affects the lumbar spine and pelvis.
 Anterior pelvis and increased lumbar lordosis.
 Tightness in the psoas and lumbar erector spinae.
 Long-term sitting contributes to this syndrome as well.
Lower Crossed Syndrome
Imbalances in the Following
Pairs of Muscles:
 Weak gluteus maximus and short hip flexors.
 Weak abdominals and short lumbar erector spinae.
 Weak gluteus medius and short TFL and QL.
Postural Signs of Lower Crossed
 Postural finding  Dysfunction
 Lumbar hyperlordosis  Shortened erector spinae
 Anterior pelvic tilt  Weak gluteus maximus
 Protruding abdomen  Weak abdominals
 Foot turned out  Shortened piriformis
 Hypertrophy of  Hypermobile lumbosacral
thoracolumbar junction junction
 Groove in iliotibial band  Shortened tensor fascia latae
Upper and Lower Crossed
Layered Syndrome
 Layered syndrome is a combination of the muscle
imbalances seen in both upper and lower crossed syndrome.
 It develops with chronic cases.
Layered Syndrome

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