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Gaussian and Gauss Jordan

Online Lecture 2
Rebecca V. Calderon
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of the session the students should be
able to :
1.Identify a linear equation.
2.Recognize a system of linear equations in n
3.Solve the solution set of a linear equation.
4.Solve system of linear equations by elimination.
Is a rectangular array of numbers denoted by:
a11 a12 .... a1n
a 21 a 22 .... :
A= a 31 a 32 .... :
a 41 a m1 .... a mn

The dimension /order of matrix mxn where m is

the rows , n is the columns.
Linear Systems
• The matrix A is called the coefficient matrix of
the linear system (4), and the matrix

obtained by adjoining column b to A, is called

the augmented matrix of the linear system
(4). The augmented matrix of (4) is written as
[A : b ]
Solving Linear Systems
• A matrix form used when solving linear systems of
equations. A matrix is in row- echelon form if it
satisfies the following conditions:
1. The first non zero number in each row ( from left to
right) is 1. This is called the leading entry.
2. The leading entry in each row is to the right of
leading entry in the row immediately above it.
3. All rows consisting entirely of zeros are at the
bottom of the matrix.
4. A matrix is in reduced row echelon form if it is
in row echelon form and also satisfies the
5.Every number above and below each leading
entry is a zero.
• Matrix in Row- Echelon :  

• Matrix in Reduced Row- Echelon Form :  

• To transform a matrix to row echelon or

reduced row echelon form we need to perform
row operations.
Row operations are ways to change matrices.
There are three types of row operations: These
row operations are used in a number of ways
including solving linear equations and finding
1. Row switching, that is interchanging two rows
of a matrix,
2. row multiplication, multiplying all entries of a
row by a non-zero constant
3. row addition which means adding a multiple of
a row to another row
1 2  1 0 1 2  1 0
R1=1/2 R1 3 5 0 1 R2= -3R1 + R2 0  1 3 1
 
1 2  1 0  1 0 5 2
R2 =-1R2 0 1  3  1 R1=-2R2 + R1 0 1  3  1
   
After doing the row operation on the
augmented matrix and the resulting matrix is
as follow:
1. 1 a bNo solution / inconsistent
0 1 c 
 
0 0 1

2. 1 a b  Infinite solution/consistent
0 1 c 
 
0 0 0
Homogeneous System of Linear

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