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Education refers to the holistic development of the mind in harmony
with the emotions. If the IQ and the EQ of a child are not fostered in
a balanced manner, the overall development that progressive
learning aims at will remain a far-fetched idea. With that being said,
it is also true that of all the perceptions, the ability to appreciate and
recognize the importance of hard work is surely the game-changer.

In this article we define some useful tips on how to instil in kids the
sense that there is no alternative to hard work when it comes to
reaching the goal.
Praising the efforts

Accomplishments are always lauded, but it is equally

important that equivalent appreciation is showered for
their efforts as well. When the efforts are praised, it sends
a message that every bit of hard work gets recognized,
regardless of the immediate outcomes.
Never underestimate the potential

Every child is unique in terms of Abilities and Potential.

Hence, when judging a specific attempt of children, it is
important that their key signature traits are kept in mind
and judged accordingly. Underestimating them on the
basis of some short-term result is hence not right.
Leading by example is the key

The best way to make children learn the importance of hard

work would be to let them draw an example from their parents
and teachers. Children mostly learn by imitating the adults
around them, most likely their parents and teachers, and when
they see them putting the very best of their efforts to get a job
done, they also start following the footsteps for achieving their
goals in life.
Telling captivating stories
Stories do magic for children. Kids love to listen to stories, and they
mostly identify the characters with themselves. Hence, telling them
stories that emphasize hard work can help seed the idea in their mind.
Narrating them such stories and asking them to conclude by telling
what they have learned from the stories is a good idea to go about it.

always emphasized on laying the foundation of a strong character in

each of our pupils.
Telling captivating stories
Stories do magic for children. Kids love to listen to stories, and they
mostly identify the characters with themselves. Hence, telling them
stories that emphasize hard work can help seed the idea in their mind.
Narrating them such stories and asking them to conclude by telling
what they have learned from the stories is a good idea to go about it.

always emphasized on laying the foundation of a strong character in

each of our pupils.
Be a role model 

Children are always conscious of their surroundings and

fast to grasp values their parents relish and follow in their
daily life. It, therefore, goes devoid of saying that if you
are hard-working, your child will follow you.
Involve in games and activities
Games and activities are along with the generally interactive
ways to instruct values to children. Due to the practical and
experimental approach, it is easier for brood to narrate to the
things they hear through games. Take your kid out on a picnic
and tell him to ground a tent. He may not know how to place up
a tent, so support him to interpret the commands and assist
him set it up.
Involve in games and activities

While doing so, describe to him how the hard work he is

placing in now to ground the porch will help defend him
from the cold afterwards. This will help out him to connect
hard work with rewards and achievement.

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