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p u t er

Co m e n t s
p o n
H ow ard
By: Ja
• An output device that produces a paper copy of something on the
internet, word, graphic data, pretty much anything.

• The screen of a computer.

• A part of a computer that you type with.

• To move the cursor on a computer screen to any position.

• Computer memory available to the user for creating, loading, or
running programs.

• The part of a computer that performs logical operations on the data
as specified in the instructions.

Central Processing Unit

• A metallic heat exchanger designed to absorb and dissipate excess
heat from one of the devices in a circuit.

Heat Sink
• Computer firmware that directs many basic functions of the
operating system, as booting and keyboard control.

• A device that stores things like information (flash drive).

Storage Device
• A disk drive containing a hard disk.

Hard Drive
• A physical connection in a computer to which a device or a
transmission line can be attached to.


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