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 Test medium, low trochospiral, becoming streptospiral; equatorial periphery
lobulate; axial periphery broadly rounded;
 Chambers subspherical, four to five, increasing slowly in size, except for the final
one, which suddenly becomes more embracing;
 Spiral sutures slightly curved, depressed
 Surface smooth for the most part, pitted surface of early chambers being
gradually obliterated by the development of thick cortex, granular in appearance
 Umbilicus covered
 Aperture interiomarginal, extraumbilical-umbilical, alow arch at the base of the
final chamber, no apertural rim or lip visible
Genus Foraminifera Plangtonik
 Praeorbulina
 Orbulina
 Globigerina
 Globigerinoides
 Globorotalia
 Globoquadrina
 Neogloboquadrina
 Pulleniatina
 Sphaeroidinella
 Sphaeroidinellopsis

 Test: Spherical, early globular to ovate chambers in a trochospiral coil.

 Chambers: enlarging rapidly as added, three to four per whorl, much enlarged final
chamber turned to the umbilical side and embracing the early whorls,
 Sutures: flush to depressed;
 Wall: calcareous, coarsely perforate and appearing coarsely cancellate because the
deep pore pits;
 Primary aperture: in early stage is a large semicircular interiomarginal umbilical
opening, apertures of the trochospiral chambers covered by the final enveloping
chambers that has only small crescentic and slitlike sutural supplementary openings.

 Test: spherical, early stage with up to fifteen globular and

trochosphericallly arranged chambers, four to five per whorl, those of first
whorl slightly compressed, final chamber spherical and enveloping
 Wall: calcareous, perforate
 Aperture: primary aperture in the young stage interiomarginal, umbilical,
with irregular imperforate bordering lip, final chamber with sutural
supplementary openings, the larger series of pores possibly also representing
anareal aperture.
 Age: Base of Middle Miocene (Serravallian) to Holocene; cosmopolitan

 Test: globose, trochospirally enrolled

 Chambers: spherical to ovate but not radially elongate, enlarging rapidly as
added, commonly only three to five in the final whorl
 Sutures: distinct, depressed, umbilicus open, periphery rounded, peripheral
outline lobulate;
 Wall calcareous, perforate, with cylindrical pores,
 Surface: in life has numerous long slender spines of circular cross section
that are broken on dead or fossil shells, the short blunt spine remnants
resulting in a hispid wall surface;
 Aperture: primary aperture a high umbilical arch that may be bordered by
an imperforate rim or narrow lip, no secondary apertures.

 Test: globular to ovate rapidly enlarging discrete chambers in a low to high

trochospiral coil, few chambers per whorl,
 Sutures: radial, depressed,
 Umbilicus: open, periphery rounded, peripheral outline lobulate;
 Wall: calcareous, coarsely perforate and spinose, pores at the base of shallow
pits, the smooth spines circular in section and set on slightly raised spine bases;
 Aperture: primary aperture a large interiomarginal umbilical arch, one or more
secondary sutural openings present on the spiral side at the intersection of the
spiral and radial sutures.

 Test: lenticular, trochospiral, close coiled, chambers gradually

enlarging, peryphery carinate;
 Wall: calcareous with closely spaced fine cylindrical pores,
peripheral keel and apertural lip imperforate,
 Surface: generally smooth, pustulose in the umbilical and apertural
areas, adult may develop a thickened calcite crust over the exterior;
 Aperture: a forward directed interiomarginal slit or arch, umbilical-
extraumbilical, and bordered by a rim or lip.

 Test: subglobular, low trochospiral, sub globular chambers enlarging rapidly as added, five
to six in the final whorl,
 Sutures: radial and straight to slightly curved, depressed,
 Umbilicus: open, moderately broad and deep, periphery broadly rounded;
 Wall calcareous, uniformly perforate, smooth in the early stage, without spines, later
becoming thickened and pitted as secondary layers of calcite are added, the pore pits
distinct in tropical specimens;
 Aperture: interiomarginal, at first extraumbilical-umbilical but may tend to become
umbilical in the adult, bordered with a subtriangular tooyhlike lip in the early stage, but
this maybe absent in adult chambers.

 Test: globular, early stages trochospirally enrolled, streptospiral in adult, whorls

progressively covering the umblical side, chambers in the early stage spherical, later
more embracing, about four to four and a half chambers in the final whorl,
 Sutures distinct and depressed in the juvenile, flush and obscurein the adult, periphery
broadly rounded;
 Wall: calcareous, perforate, juvenile stage with large pores in distinct pore pits and
appearing calcellate, surface later completely covered by a thick smooth cortex that
obscures the perforations and sutures, closely spaced pustules may occur both above
and below the apertural opening;
 Aperture: a broad and low interiomarginal.

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