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 Before defining personality it is better to

understand some examples of personality traits.
 These can be determined by our actions, attitude
and behaviors.
 To discover ones personality traits, ask yourself the
following questions:-
 How would I describe myself?
 What brought me joy as a child?
 What bring me joy now?
 What is my biggest accomplishment?
 What is my biggest dream?
 What is my biggest fear?

One can use information to discover his

true personality
Positive Personality
 Most of ones personality traits are likely to be
positive .For examples:
 Being honest and taking responsibility
 Adoptability and compatibility are great traits that can
help you get along with others.
 Drive and determination will help you keep going on
matter what may be.
 Compassion and understanding mean you relate well
to others
 Patience is a virtue and also a good personality trait.
 Courage will help you do what is right in tough

 Loyalty is a good quality to possess , making others

trust you.
Some of the positive adjectives that can help to describe
personality traits are:
Adventurous , helpful , humble , capable , imaginative , dutiful
precise , fair , reliable , fearless , persistent , conscientious
Negative Personality
 What would life be without balance? Whether we like
to admit it or not , some of our personality traits are also
likely to be negative:
 A propensity for lying , in order to avoid responsibility for
our actions, is a deplorable quality.
 Being rigid and selfish , unyielding to the needs of others
are not endearing qualities.
 Being full of laziness and excuses is sure to drive others
away too .
 Any inability to empathize with others will also alienate us
from others .
Negative Personality
 Being quick to anger will turn people away .
 Being disloyal , quick to talk about others behind their
backs or , worse , stab them in the back for personal
gain also falls high on the scale of negative personality
traits . Some of the negative adjectives that may
describe aspects of personalities from time to time:
 Arrogant , quarrelsome , boorish , rude , bossy , sarcastic ,
self centered , cowardly , sneaky , impulsive , lazy ,
thoughtless , malicious , unfriendly, vulgar , pompous
Determining Personality Types
 Many types. According to the Myers-Briggs Type
indicator, there are sixteen different types. I t is
unlikely that a person would fit into a single mold ,
but it is interesting to see which “mold” we tend
 Personality type can be determined by many factors.
One way to discover your personality type is to
approach it scientifically .
 Test yourself online
 Ask a psychologist or therapist to analyze you
Determining Personality
 In psychology , there are five factors that determine
different personality traits. The big five factors are:
 Openness . Appreciation for a variety of experiences.
 Conscientiousness. Planning ahead rather than being
spontaneous .
 Extraversion . Being sociable , energetic and talkative.
 Agreeableness . Being kind , sympathetic and happy to
help .
 Neuroticism. Inclined to worry or be vulnerable or
temperamental .
 Personalities are shaped and molded by big
visions and goals that they have
 Determine what u want to accomplish
 Setting goal is major step on the road to developing
an engaging and fascinating personality
 Types of goals
 Short term goal
 Leads towards long terms goals
 Long terms goals
 Ultimate what you want to achieve
 Smart goals
 Specific
 Measureable
 Attainable
 Relevant
 Time bound
It means to
 Perceive the world in new ways

 Find hidden pattern in things situation and behavior

 Make connection with unrelated phenomena

 Generate solution and act on them

 Process of creativity

 There are two steps to creativity

 Thinking of ideas
 Producing. Convert your ideas into action
 Innovation. Extension of ones creativity , Means implementations
of a new or improved
 Product
 Service
 Process
 Barriers to creativity
 Making assumptions
 Over reliance on logic
 Cultural barrier
 Emotional barrier
 Perceptual barrier
 Stress
What is a Goal
 A roadmap to future
 Need to be specific
 Think about the following
 Do u believe u can achieve?
 You need to dream
 Keep the dream alive
 If you dont decide what you want out of life, you have no goal

 Remember
 Goal need to be realistic
 Prioratize your goal and decide the order of their importance
 Access you resources money information and skill etc.
Steps to stimulate creativity

 Associating. Looking at different ideas, analyzing and

grouping problems
 Questioning
 Posing questions to yourself and others, question the
validity and practicality of ideas
 Observing . Serving the environment and observing
people , event, situation
 Networking. You may need the cooperation and support
of other
 Experimenting.
Human values
Values play a crucial role in our lives, or driving force to develop
the personality .It determine what we should do and how we should
The choice between two things (Ideas , Belief , Action)
Depends upon the relative value of things.
 Personal values. Such as honesty, maturity of thoughts, loyalty,

and courtesy.
 Community values. Such as service, justice , sharing , team spirit.

 Social values. Such as cooperation , concern for others , sense of

social responsibility.
Developing the concept and practice of values

 Answer these questions

 Is this something that you really wanted?
 Are you glad about that?
Becoming a role model
 Do the following
 Demonstrate confidence
 Demonstrate leadership
 Do not be afraid to be unique
 Show respect to and concern for others
 Be knowledgeable
 Have humanity
 Have courage to admit the mistake

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