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How Rainbows

Can Occur?

Oleh :

Bima Abimayu
Dilla Anggraini
Ferdiasyah Muhammad Noor
Rosy Ramadhany
Siti Latifah Hamimmy
We all know that a rainbow is an obtic
symptom that produces beautiful colors.
However, do we know how that

General Statement (Preamble)

STUCTURE Line Of Explanation (contents)

Closing (Interpretation)
A rainbow is a large spectrum arc that
occurs due to refraction of sunlight by water
droplets. The rainbow is also considered an
optical and meteorological phenomenon in
the form of parallel, bright colors that appear
in the sky or other medium. The rainbow
appears as an arc of light with its tip pointing
to the horizon during light rain. A rainbow
can also be seen around the clear waterfalls
 Rainbows and other effects of light in the sky
are caused by light that is biased and drifts away
from particles. When the sun goes down, the sky
turns red because the sunlight passes through the
atmosphere which is much thicker than when the
sun is high in the sky during the day. The rainbow
will not appear at night or in cloudy weather. That
happens because the rainbow is the result of
refraction of light. At first the sunlight passes
through the rain drops, then rotated or refracted
into the middle of the rain drops so that it
separates white light into the color of the
 The rainbow can only be seen when it rains
with the sun shining but from the opposite
side of the observer. The position of the
observer must be between the sun and the
water which is impressed with the sun behind
the person. The sun, the observer's eye, and
the center of the rainbow must be in a straight
line. Light with the shortest wavelengths like
purple, is on the curve and the longest
wavelengths like red are outside

As for the passive

voice that is
Rainbows and
The social function of
other effect of light
the occurrence of the The language
in the sky are
rainbow process is to function used
caused by light
explain the reasons for in this text is
that is biased and
how and why the Simple
drifts away from
rainbow can occur. present

● Why won’t the rainbow appear at
night or in the couldy weather? ●
When the rainbow can be


Answer : The rainbow will not appear at
night or when the weather is coouldy it seen?
happens because the rainbow is the result
of refraction of light.

● Answer : The rainbow can only
4. be seen when it rains with the
sun rising but from the
opposite side of the observer.

● How the shape of the

2. ●
● Answer : The rainbow is curved
from one end the to the other.

● Why do rainbows often appear after it
rains? Explain the process!

● Answer : A rainbow is caused by the
refraction of sunlight. As a result of
refraction, the light passing trough the

● What id the meant by a rainbow? 5. raindrops will be deflected. This
Answer : A rainbow is a natural


bending of light will form various
phenomenom that often occurs, colors with different angles which are
usually after rain falls. then called a rainbow.
Thank You

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