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Uses of the

Archaeology in
the service of the
Don D. Fowler
Samahel Prada Cortes
 The text talks about how the state control the past through the archaeology
 Three examples of how the Power control de past (Mexico, China and Great Britain)
 Explanation of why the past is controlled
The author explains the article through three 2. Great Britain
3. People’s Republic of China
1. Mexico
Why the “archaeology”?
 Bad perspective of the true archaeology
 Used only for the State
 Benefits with the found objects, that is, put on sale what is found
 Increase in other benefits such as tourism, other companies arrive to appropriate the history of
the place.
The true archaeology
 The state uses the archaeology as a pretext for their own benefits .
 That means that the archaeology is not bad, the uses given are sometimes incorrect.
 The same discipline has tried to change this, finding more meaning to the archaeology through
dissemination, making more people appropriate the history which we belong.

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