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What is cause and effect essay?

Cause and effect essays are

concerned with why things
happen (causes) and what
happens as a result (effects).
Cause and effect is a common
method of organizing and
discussing ideas.
Cause: To determine causes,
ask, "Why did this happen?"
Effect: To identify effects, ask,
"What happened because of
this?" The following is an
example of one cause
producing one effect:
Cause You are out of gas.
Effect Your car won't start.
Sometimes, many
causes contribute to a
single effect or many
effects may result
from a single cause.
For causes because, due to,
on cause is, another is, since,
for, first, second
For Effects consequently, as a
result, thus, resulted in, one
result is, and another is,
• The boy missed the bus because
he overslept.
•The girl fell because the sidewalk
was icy.
•The man got a ticket because he
was speeding.
•Emran missed the swing because
he didn’t keep his eye on the ball.
The girl had to miss recess
because she didn’t do her
Causes of water pollution
1) Water pollution may be
caused by the intentional
or unintentional disposal
of risky chemicals and
materials into water.
2) Rainfall may cause
polluted landscapes to
disperse their poisonous
materials into the water
and poison the
surrounding water.
3) Water pollution may also be
caused by specific contributing
factors such as large factories, oil
refineries, construction sites,
chemical waste management
facilities, dump sites and other large
scale operations that store/produce
large amounts of
chemical/hazardous waste.
Effects of water pollution
1) Toxic rainfall can occur in
areas where water and/or air
is polluted with toxic
chemicals and materials.
2) Polluted water can lead
to sickness, disease,
infections, deformities and
even death among
animals and plant life.
3) Once water becomes
polluted it can affect people
and animals either directly
through consumption or
indirectly through food
sources, land degradation
and the overabundance of
plants and algae which can
cover the surface of various
bodies of water making it
undrinkable and affecting the
animals that live in that body
of water.
and the overabundance of
plants and algae which can
cover the surface of various
bodies of water making it
undrinkable and affecting the
animals that live in that body
of water.

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