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Verbals- What Are They,

• A verbal is a noun or an adjective formed
from a verb.
• There are three kinds of verbals: gerunds,
participles, and infinitives.
• Verbals express an action or state of being.
• The difference between verbals and other
nouns and adjectives is that verbals can take
their own objects even though they are not
What is she thinking?
What are the children doing?
What do you think is her favorite
Gerunds… say what?
• A gerund is a verbal that
ends in –ing and functions
as a noun.
• Gerund name activities or
behaviors or states of
minds or states of being.
• We usually use them for:
• Likes and dislikes: I love
shopping./I hate travelling
• General activities: I’m good at
• Abstract ideas: I’m not used
in working late.
How to FORM a Gerund?
Love + ing = Loving
Run + ing = Running
Dance + ing = Dancing
Play + ing = Playing
• Learning about other cultures
makes people tolerant.
• He resented me for being
• The trauma he felt prevented
him from speaking.
• Her favorite pastime is reading.
Gerunds… say what?
Gerunds can be used as
a subject,
a direct object,
subject complement,
object of preposition
and as appositive
because it functions as a noun.
Gerunds as a Subject
Gerund is the main
topic/subject of
the sentence.
“What + main
• Smoking is not allowed here.
• Breaking your promises is not
• Listening to my favorite singer
is my stress reliever.
• Reading aloud is very useful for
learners of English.
• Helping those in need is a must!
Gerund as a Direct
• Direct objects GERUNDS are
super! Without

usually follow them, verbs

couldn’t be nouns!

an action verb.
It receives the
action of a
“Verb + verbals”
• He couldn't help laughing.
• Would you mind waiting a little?
• She finished washing the
windows and began cooking
• Francisco enjoys swimming.
• My classmates loves surfing the
Gerunds as a Subject
• A subject complement is  gerund that
follows a linking verb.

• What are linking verbs?

• be [am, is, are, was, were, has
been, are being, might have been, etc.

• Linking verb + gerund

• Her hobby is writing short
• Marco’s first love was dancing.
• Her passion is writing love
• Her main concern is helping old
• The bomb expulsions were
Gerunds as an Object of
• Gerunds are often used after prepositions.

What are some example of prepositions?

to, from, for, in, on, of, into, about

Gerunds as prepositional objects are used after many

phrasal verbs, for example, after "accuse of, agree on,
apologize for, approve of, believe in, blame for, care
about, complain about
• They accused him of stealing their
• She blames him for losing her
• Excuse me for interrupting you.
• Thank you for coming.
• He insists on buying a new car.
• He talked them into investing in his
Gerunds as Appositive
• Appositive is a noun
that renames another
noun right beside it. It
is usually offset with
commas, brackets or
• My favorite sport, running, takes
a great deal of effort.
• Her job, journalizing, is not easy.
• The skills, reading and writing,
were taught us by our teachers.
• Our summer activity, swimming,
keeps me in shape.
• My desire, travelling, may happen
Let us REVIEW!
Eating is fun. (Subject)

I like eating. (Direct object)

A fun time is eating (Subject Complement)

He requested on eating (Object of
in the mall Preposition)
Our bonding, eating, is (Appositive)
Aren’t you glad you were
paying attention?!
1. Daniel started doing his homework at 12:30 PM.
2. His crime, stealing, puts him in jail.
3. He apologized for being late.
4. The referee tried stopping the fight but failed.
5. He insisted on speaking to the manager because
there was a fly in his soup.
6. John’s hobby, dancing, is his stress reliever.
7. Studying is my top priority.
8. She made plans for leaving home to go to Fiji.
9. She was planning to go abroad.
10. Baking pies is our topic in TVE class.
Cross your fingers!
Life would be empty
without Gerunds

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