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The Large

Members of the group

 Julian Alonso
 Mateo Torres
 Juan David Lizarazo
 7A
Explanation of the large intestine

 We are going to explain: What is the large intestine.

 The causes, the symptom and the treatment of the diseases.
What is the
large intestine
 the large intestine is a
long organ like a tube
and this is conected to
the small intestine in a
extreme and in
another with the anus.
Is the last structure in
process the food and
this extract water,
nutrients and proteins.
The Diseases

There are 2 types, the

Crohn and the Ulcerative
Colitis and this are
inflammatory bowel
The causes of the Crohn
and the Ulcerative Colitis
 The true of cause of these diseases is still
unknown because they thought they were
caused by stress and diet but what is known is
the bad function of the immune system.
 The Ulcerative Colitis produce a inflammation
durable and sores.
 And the Crohn this disease produce a long
inflammation that usually extends and this
affected the tissues.
The symptoms

 Normally the symptoms vary according to the severity of the infammation and
the common symptoms between the Crohn and the Ucelerative Colitis are:

 Diarrhea
 Fever and Fatigue
 Pain and Abdominal cramps
 Blood in the stool
 Decreased Appetit
 Unintentional Thinning
The Treatment

 The goal of the treatment of inflamatory

bowel disease is to reduce the inflammation
that causes the signs and the symptoms.
And the treatment given to these diseases is
with medicines and surgeries. And some
medicines are: anti-inflammatories,
antibiotics and antidiarrheal.
Thanks you
for you
Julian Alonso, Mateo Torres and Juan
 The function of the ascending colon is to absorb wáter salts and vitamins.

 Maintain hydration balance.

 The waste of the parts not absorbed in the small intestine they go to large
intestine where it will extract most of the wáter, while it is impregnated
with a mocous and bacteria known as intestinal flora, to becoming
fecal matter.
 The function of the and transverse colon is to exctract wáter and
salts from solid waste before they are eliminated by the body
From the ascending colon it passes to the transversse where the same
process of absorption is carried out,and the stored in the descending
 The descending colon ratains and store the waste resulting
from the transverse and ascending colon until it is
expelled through the anus

 The función of sigmoid colon is to generate peristaltic

movements that exert pressure to evacuate the fecal
Accmumulate and store the gases generated by the body.
Extract wáter and salt before they are disposed of in solid
It maintains hydration absorbs nutrients and allows daily
evacuation without pain.
The defecation

 The body expels waste products from

digestion through the rectum and
The Rectum

 The rectum, increase the width and

its becomes larger near the anus,
where its forms the rectal ampulla.
 The expansion of the rectal walls
causes the stretch receptors within
the walls to stimulate the urge to
 If the defecation process is delayed, it
may result in constipation. When the
storage site becomes full, the
intrarectal pressure causes the anal
canal walls to dilate and expand. This
results in the feces entering the
 Its diameter can be compared to that
of the sigmoid colon.
The Anus

 The first function is that

opening at the end of
the alimentary canal
through which solid
waste matter leaves the
 The other is that
detected the wastes and
then expulse that doing
the internal and the
external sphincters from
2 concentric ring which
run along the length of
the anal canal.
The internal and
external sphincter
  The internal anal sphincter, and an
initial contraction of the skeletal
muscle of the external anal sphincter.
The defecation reflex is mostly
involuntary, under the command of
the autonomic nervous system. But
the somatic nervous system also plays
a role to control the timing of

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