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Crystal Healing:

An Introduction to the World of Healing


By Melissa Crowhurst
Copyright © 2014 Infinite Gratitude t/a Natural Healer
Last version update: June 2020.

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Introduction.............................................................................................. 4
Welcome to the world of energy healing stones! ................................ 4
Chapter 1: The basics about crystals ........................................................ 6
How crystals heal.................................................................................. 6
Chakra basics ........................................................................................ 8
Chakra chart ..................................................................................... 8
Chakra crystals.................................................................................... 10
Choosing the right crystals for you..................................................... 11
Crystal placement methods ............................................................... 12
Using your crystals & affirmations ..................................................... 13
Cleaning crystals ................................................................................. 15
Chapter 2: Root Chakra Stone ............................................................... 16
Snowflake Obsidian ............................................................................ 16
Chapter 3: Sacral Chakra Stone ............................................................. 17
Carnelian............................................................................................. 17
Chapter 4: Solar Plexus Chakra Stone ................................................... 18
Yellow Tiger’s Eye ............................................................................... 18
Chapter 5: Heart Chakra Stone.............................................................. 19
Rose Quartz ........................................................................................ 19
Chapter 6: Throat Chakra Stone ............................................................ 20
Amazonite .......................................................................................... 20
Chapter 7: Third Eye Chakra Stone ........................................................ 21
Amethyst ............................................................................................ 21
Chapter 8: Crown Chakra Stone ............................................................. 22

Clear Quartz ........................................................................................ 22
Chapter 9: Where to from here? ............................................................ 23
What about crystal healing certification? .......................................... 25
Getting certification ........................................................................ 25
Further Learning ..................................................................................... 27
About the author .................................................................................... 28


Welcome to the world of energy healing stones!

Whether believed to contain special healing powers, enhance psychic
abilities, conjure up spirits, or just used as symbols of wealth and power,
crystals, gems, and stones have always held a special place in human

It’s well known that they’ve been used for healing and to bring balance
to oneself for more than a millennia.

As I explain in more detail in my book Energy Healing Through Reiki1,

energy is at the very core of our universe’s existence and unifies us all

And based on that – the fact that science has proven that everything is
energy – is why crystal healing is believed to be so beneficial.

Each crystal has its own natural vibration and attributes, which can

activate and promote both emotional and physical healing in oneself and
others. It’s the vibratory signature we’re looking to harness to assist in
healing; although it’s not often discernible, the crystal’s therapeutic
vibrations are felt and used on an energetic level.

Although very helpful on their own, if coupled with other methods,

crystals can become powerful healing tools.

This is why energy healers – such as Reiki practitioners – like to place

certain stones on (or near) their clients or within their healing rooms.
Using the right crystals can assist to equilibrate the chakras and aura.

Lastly, since crystals come in all sizes, the smaller ones can be highly
mobile; meaning they’re easy to carry or wear so their benefits can be
felt all the time.

And because they’re often visually beautiful too, they serve a dual
purpose as both decoration and healing tool.

I hope you enjoy learning the basics about crystal healing in this book!

Big love to you,

♥ Melissa Crowhurst

Founder of Natural Healer

Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Meditation Teacher, MSA
CPE Credit Provider, MAA
Accredited Training Provider, IAOTH
Full Member, MAA
Dip. Massage Therapy, DMA

Chapter 1: The basics about crystals

How crystals heal

As explained in the introduction, crystals and gemstones have vibration
frequencies which interconnect the universe and earth's field and the
person’s energy field. The crystal is utilized to move, expand, or realign
our energy.

Crystals can assist in guiding the flow of energy to the individual, then to
a certain part of the body to bring in balance and stimulate wellbeing.
Ultimately, they assist in cleaning the individual from negative or
damaging energy which is believed to induce illness.

By driving out the bad energy, it can ease the physical ailment. Crystals
can be utilized for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing.

What’s more, it’s not just New Age or Spiritual Healers using crystals
anymore. It’s been noted in some cities, there are professional nurses
who have been trained to use crystals to help their patients.

Whether or not there’s enough ‘scientific’ evidence to prove that crystal

healing works; the fact is – as stated in the introduction – we’re all energy
and crystals have an energetic vibration.

At some level, whether we know it or not, a crystal can affect one’s

energy field. If the recipient of the healing feels better, no evidence is
needed in my opinion. Even if it’s a placebo effect – if it works, let it be.

Chakra basics
Crystals are used to assist in healing by placing a particular stone on a
specific Chakra. You’ve probably heard the term before, but just in case
you didn’t know, “Chakra” is the Sanskrit for "wheel".

We have seven main Chakras, with each one relating to a specific

location, function and colour. It’s believed that each of us have Chakra
‘wheels’ at our main energy centres in our bodies, which ‘turn’ as the life
force energy moves through us.

Chakra chart
Chakra Location Function Colour

Root Tailbone Physical needs Red

Sacral Lower Reproduction, Orange

abdomen, hip sexuality,
area creativity

Solar Stomach area Personal and will Yellow

Plexus power

Heart Chest area Compassion, love, Pink, Green


Throat Neck Communication, Blue


Third Eye Middle of Intuition, wisdom, Deep Violet /

forehead enlightenment Indigo

Crown Top of head Spirituality, divine White, Gold,

guidance Whitish-Violet

The benefit of placing a crystal on a chakra comes from the stone’s
natural energy vibration. That vibration causes the slow or stuck Chakra
‘wheel’ to start moving again; therefore, allowing the healing Universal
Life Force Energy to move more freely through the body.

Chakra crystals
In addition to function and colour of chakras, each one also has crystals
associated with it.

Please note that I have only listed one crystal per Chakra here for the sake
of simplicity for the learning process.

Chakra Associated Crystals

Root (or Base) Red Snowflake Obsidian

Sacral Carnelian

Solar Plexus Citrine

Heart Rose Quartz

Throat Amazonite

Third Eye Amethyst

Crown Clear Quartz

Choosing the right crystals for you

Here are a few easy questions to ask yourself to ensure you select the
crystal which will work best for you.

 What’s the goal of using the crystal? Pain relief? Emotional

clearing? Concentration?
 Is there more than one crystal type which can achieve this goal
for you? For example, quartz can be used for multiple healing
 Will you be using crystals for yourself only or others? You might
want to consider having a couple of sets then.
 Does the crystal “feel right” to you? Trust yourself on this one,
you will pick the crystal which is energetically (or vibrationally)
matched to you!

Once you've picked the crystal (or crystals!), make a conscious decision
to let yourself be open to its (or their) influence.

In order to receive the maximum benefit of crystal healing, you must be

open-minded to the idea that other earthly things, such as crystals, can
have some bearing on you.

Crystal placement methods

I’m sure there are as many variations of crystal healing methods as there
are crystals, but here are a couple of easy ways you can place crystals on
yourself or others to assist with healing:

1) Match the crystal with chakra colour

Gently lay the same colour crystal as the chakra colour, onto the
appropriate chakra, to heighten the flow of energy.

2) Match chakra associated crystals

Use the Crystals associated with charkas chart above to pick the affiliated
crystal to softly place on the appropriate chakra on yourself or others.

Using your crystals & affirmations

Once you’ve selected the right crystals and understand the basics of
where you can place them, the final piece is actually using them to heal,
or enhance healing.

Whether you’re holding the crystal in your hand, or if it’s placed on your
body somewhere, or even just situated somewhere close by, say your
purpose out loud – such as: "My mind is clear and relaxed" or “My body
is strong and healthy”.

You may also want to shut your eyes to assist in focusing your intention
inward (if healing yourself is your aim).

I want to stress how important it is to always vocalize your purpose in a

positive affirmative way, for example, say: “I am calm” and (or) “I let go
of emotions, unless they serve my highest good”
instead of saying, "I want to quit feeling angry".

Affirmative and positive sentences allow the flow of crystal energy (which
is what you require) to easily move through you.
Furthermore, making a habit of saying affirmations can affect your
subconscious mind – so the more you do this, the more effective it will

Negative, damaging words and sentences instantly trigger resistors in

your mind; as well as degrade the energy levels you’re trying to amplify
with the crystals. Do your best to avoid using negative thoughts, words
and sentences whenever possible – and especially during healing.

As you advance in this technique, or if you're more in-tuned with your

emotions, bolster the effect by thinking of a great feeling, memory or

If your goals is to become a more gentle or calm person, visualize yourself

as a calm, relaxed person in your mind’s eye. Do your best to feel what
it’s like to be calm, and hold the images of other calming people (such as
the Dalai Lama) or places (like a calm lake or forest) in your mind.

Lastly, water is often a great way to enhance energy. So if you have a little
water fountain or body of water nearby, you can place the crystal near it.
Unless you know otherwise, to avoid damage, don’t place crystals in the

The flow of water combined with the amplification of a nearby crystal can
really propagate positive energy throughout your home or office.

Suggested Healing Technique:

To cleanse your mind, body and soul, on the night of a full moon, find a
place outdoors to comfortably lay under the moonlight. Put the stone on
your forehead and visualize the moon's power entering your body
through the stone.

Say your affirmations (if appropriate). You become filled with perfect
white light and all the negativity, illness and tension leaves and sinks into
the ground underneath you.

Cleaning crystals
It’s important to maintain your crystal – because they’re from the earth
and can send out energy vibrations – it means they can pick them up, too.

You don’t want your ‘load’ up your crystal with negative energy, so be
sure to cleanse your crystals regularly. These processes also “recharge”
the crystals, too. Here are a few ways you can cleanse your crystals:

For most crystal types (non-friable and non-jointed)

 Place in moonlight for a few hours.

 Use the smoke from a smudge stick to cleanse your crystal
 Hold under running water
 Put the crystal in salt water or cover it with salt.

For friable or cluster crystals

 Immerse them in sea or rock salt overnight, then gently brush

every single grain of salt off the crystal. This is important because
salt can damage a crystal if the atmosphere gets humid or damp.

When you purchase your crystal, ask the seller how best to clean it – to
ensure you avoid damaging your new lovely energy tool.

Chapter 2: Root Chakra Stone

Snowflake Obsidian
Also known as Flowering Obsidian, this stone of “purity” is comprised of
natural volcanic glass which contains white 'snowflake' patterns which
are the result of partial glass crystallisation.

 Colour: Black with white/red patches

 Rarity: Common
 Primary chakra: Root
 Other chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus
 Astrology signs: Capricorn, Virgo
 Physical healing: Skeletal, vein and circulation issues and
 Emotional healing: Calms and soothes; brings awareness to
negative thought patterns; comforts loneliness.
 Spiritual healing: Promotes inner centeredness, balance, and
purity; cleanses mind, body and spirit.

Chapter 3: Sacral Chakra Stone

This stone (aka. Carnelian Agate) was used in ancient times to protect
loved ones in their journey to the afterlife.

 Colour: Red, Orange, Pink, and Brown

 Rarity: Common
 Primary chakra: Sacral
 Other chakras: N/A
 Astrology signs: Cancer, Leo
 Physical healing: Improves metabolism issues; aids female
reproductive organs and fertility; relieves arthritis and lower back
 Emotional healing: Calms anger; stimulates creativity;
overcomes depression; helps with decision making.
 Spiritual healing: Protects against negative energy from
others; aids in past recall for identification of the causes of

Chapter 4: Solar Plexus Chakra Stone

Yellow Tiger’s Eye

Also known as a “protection” stone (which is particularly for travellers),
this stone brings good luck and prosperity. The ancients used it as a
talisman against to ward of bad luck and curses.

 Colour: Brown-yellow, Pink, Blue, Red

 Rarity: Common
 Primary chakra: Solar Plexus
 Other chakras: Sacral, Third Eye
 Astrology signs: Capricorn, Leo
 Physical healing: Assists with the eyes; enhances night vision;
aids with throat and reproductive organs.
 Emotional healing: Balances yin-yang; lifts moods; assists with
personality disorders, mental disease, and internal conflicts;
enhances coherency; supports commitment.
 Spiritual healing: Grounds physical change to the body;
promotes clarity of intentions and needs; enhances psychic
abilities and protection.

Chapter 5: Heart Chakra Stone

Rose Quartz
With its soothing pink colour, it’s not a surprise it’s also known as the
stone of unconditional love.

 Colour: Pink
 Rarity: Common
 Primary chakra: Heart
 Other chakras: -
 Astrology signs: Taurus, Libra
 Physical healing: Assists with heart and circulatory system
issues; heals lungs/chest, kidneys; increases fertility.
 Emotional healing: Allows release of emotions; comforts and
soothes internal pain; opens one’s heart to receiving and giving
love; allows self-love; initiates self-forgiveness and self-worth.
 Spiritual healing: Purifies the heart and instils peace;
encourages unconditional acceptance and love.

Chapter 6: Throat Chakra Stone

A powerful filtering stone, Amazonite is ideal for those who work around
a lot of electromagnetic pollution.

 Colour: Blue, Green (often with veins)

 Rarity: Common
 Primary chakra: Throat
 Other chakras: Heart
 Astrology signs: Virgo
 Physical healing: Blocks electromagnetic smog and pollution;
relieves muscle spasms; assists with osteoporosis and related
issues; calms nervous system and brain.
 Emotional healing: Allows for clarity in problem solving;
alleviates worry and fear; dissipates negative energy and
 Spiritual healing: Assists with advancement of consciousness;
manifestation of universal love.

Chapter 7: Third Eye Chakra Stone

Although very common, Amethysts can bestow peace, love & happiness.
They’re also a powerful protection stone with high spiritual vibration.

 Colour: Lavender/Purple
 Rarity: Very Common
 Primary chakra: Third Eye
 Other chakras: Crown
 Astrology signs: Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius,
 Physical healing: Assist with blood and breathing issues;
relieves migraines and headaches; aides in ridding addictions;
assists the endocrine system and metabolism; reduces swelling
and bruising.
 Emotional healing: Alleviates fears; calms the mind; enhances
focus and decision making; balances the emotions.
 Spiritual healing: Enhances psychic abilities and
communication; blocks negative energies and stress; promotes
love of the divine; connects mind, body and spirit.

Chapter 8: Crown Chakra Stone

Clear Quartz
Quartz is often referred to as the “Master Healer” because of its universal
ability to amplify energy, powerfully heal and raise one to a higher level.

 Colour: Clear
 Rarity: Very Common
 Primary chakra: Crown
 Other chakras: All other chakras
 Astrology signs: All birth signs
 Physical healing: As the “Master Healer”, it can be used for
any condition for healing.
 Emotional healing: Helps and unlocks memory; aids in
 Spiritual healing: Assists to raise one’s energy level to the
highest possible point; resets energy back to the perfect state of
being; deep soul cleanser.

Chapter 9: Where to from here?

Although all the beautiful stones of this earth have fantastic qualities –
energetically, spiritually, appearance- and health-wise; you now know
the main ones which match with healing your Chakras.

The next step is to locate a reputable crystal seller, where you know you’ll
get the genuine crystal you’re after.

If you don’t know of a genuine stone retailer, you can order my exclusive
7 Chakra Healing Crystals Pack (pictured above with a bonus stone!) from
my website:
It includes the 7 gemstones you learned about in this book and is great
“starter-kit” for your crystal healing journey!

Once you start acquiring crystals, you’ll find it hard to stop 

Sometimes looking at them is just enough, while other times you need to
focus on their energy to help aid in whatever your needs are at the time.

Self-care note: It’s important to note, that although highly effective,

crystal healing should not replace your doctor, nutritionist, counsellor,
family or friends. Gain your knowledge from the professionals and
experts first, then use crystal healing to amplify and quicken the results
you’re after!

It’s been a pleasure introducing you to the world of healing stones!

What about crystal healing certification?

While you’ve learned the basics of crystal healing, I want to be clear that
finishing this book doesn’t ‘certify’ you to practice in a professional

Not being ‘certified’ doesn’t reduce the validity or efficacy of what you’ve
learned here, you just cannot present yourself as a certified crystal healer
to others without proper certification.

Getting certification
So, if you’re now interested in going even deeper into crystal healing
stones and techniques and want to become a certified Crystal Energy
Healer, then enrolling in my accredited “Science of Crystal Healing”
Certification course is the next step!

The course includes video tutorials to watch and learn from, quizzes, help
and support, as well as quite a lot of bonus material and further learning
tools. To get started, please visit the enrolment page here:

Once enrolled, you’ll log into the online Student Platform, where you’ll
be able to access all the course material and progress through the course
for certification.

Further Learning
If you enjoyed this book, you might be interested in learning about energy
healing! Check out Melissa’s Online Reiki Level 1, 2 and Master Course

Or perhaps you want to find out more about Chakra healing with
Melissa’s Chakra Healing on Demand Course (with optional

To see all of Melissa’s latest courses, visit:

About the author
In the early 2000s, Melissa embarked on
a journey of self-discovery which lead to
a very rewarding and beautiful spiritual

She has since mastered the healing arts

of massage, Reiki, and meditation;
sharpened her intuitive skills and
awareness; as well as created her own
‘spin’ on healing, which she refers to as
“loving energy healing” – you’ll often
see her hashtag it as #biglove!

Melissa is the founder of Natural

Healer™ where as an Accredited Training Provider (IAOT) – as well as a
Usui Reiki Master Teacher (2014) and Practitioner, Certified Meditation
Teacher, MAA CPE Provider and full member of the Massage Association
of Australia – she offers online courses that help blossom the soul.

She is also an author, podcaster, blogger, and speaker who loves sharing
easy, actionable ways for people to heal themselves and others.

Deeming herself as an ‘everyday’ person, Melissa enjoys spending time

with friends and family, loves a good laugh, adores animals, gets excited
about cooking creative vegetarian meals, and delights in sharing life
experiences with her husband Shawn.

Subscribe to Melissa’s Blog!

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