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Romanian traditions

About Christmas
 For children in Romania, Santa Claus comes from the North
to bring gifts to those who have been good. Gifts which,
commonly, it is left under the Christmas tree. The legend of
Santa Claus is inspired by the life of St. Nicholas , patron of
children. At 30, he became Bishop of Myra, a port city on
the Mediterranean Sea, which is now part of modern Turkey.
St. Nicholas comes from a rich family and became well
known for the aid which they share the poor. He could often
be seen wearing a red and white robe of a bishop, riding on
a donkey and înmânând gifts to children. In the Middle Ages,
many churches were erected in honor of St. Nicholas. In the
eleventh century, his remains were deposited in a Church in
the Italian city of Bari. It is said that the first Crusaders
visited the city and took them home tales about Nicholas.
Anniversary of his death on December 6 .
The carol
 The carol is an ancient custom. The first singers were
the shepherds who came to the cave illuminated where
Baby Jesus was born and enjoying this heavenly sign
and the voice of angels rather famous in Bethlehem city
which witnessed the miracle. Carol is an invaluable
spiritual dowry, which he inherited from generation to
generation-ancestors. He is holy, so that a message
from heaven, a word from God. But carol is also good
news because it is meant to serve life, to bring so much
good in the world and between people. Since ancient
times, carols, Christmas traditions and our customs have
been a real school of moral virtues, reinforcing feelings
of brotherhood and understanding.
 Traditional greeting to the Romans in around
New Year Plugusorul kept the ritual scenario of
a magical invocation to the agricultural
substrate. He is always accompanied by witty,
pop the whip and ringing bells, but really plow
drawn by oxen, was replaced in time for a
miniature plug, easy to wear, or bittern imitating
bellowing oxen. Text Plugusorul has charming
character pirdut today magica.Recitata a
thumping beat, the wish becomes more cheerful,
more optimistic, as is running.
 Patterns belonging to the New Year with sorcova
umblatul is especially the joy of children. They wear a
sprig of a tree bud or one sorcova made from a stick
around which were blended colored paper flowers. The
name comes from the word Bulgarian sorcova surov
(tender green), alluded to only blossom branch, once
torn from a tree. Angled several times in the direction of
a particular person, sorcova plays somewhat the role of
a magic wand, equipped with the ability to transmit the
force and youth vizat.Textul urarii that recalls a spell, not
only to strengthen the effect of movement sorcova ...

 Last day of the cycle of winter holidays, Epiphany,

including specific reasons for all days of the year
renovation, including ospetele and orgiastice events.
Noisy party of married women organized the day and
night Santion (January 7, the day after Epiphany) which
preserves the memory of specific events Dionisios cult
god is called, in the counties of south-eastern Romania
(Buzau, Vrancea, Braila, Tulcea and Constanta ),
Women's Day, Women Iordanitul or attendance. Wives
gathered in groups of 10-30 people in a host. Brought
with them food (eggs, flour, meat) and, of course, drink.
The tree in roumain tradition
 In the Romanian tradition of the village, we find the habit
of tree adornment at weddings and death young women
and men. The custom is the time of the Dacians and
signifies a ritual wedding between the deceased and the
nature represented by the tree. He remained in the
tradition of local communities in regions of Banat and
Oltenia. Tree thus adorned is called the Tree of life
which is found naturally in folk art as the reason.
Ethnographic evolve the Romanian people, Brad has
become increasingly more meanings, such as "tree
court," a dead tree, "tree fertilizer" or "pole maypole.
Christmas tree
 Decorating the tree Christmas is usually
coming from the west,most likely from
Germanic peoples. Slowly, he entered the
Christian tradition. In the Middle Ages
houses decorated with Christmas trees
appear in the provinces Alsace and
Lorraine, but not at Christmas, but rather
as the New Year. From this tradition
extends throughout France, Spain,Italy
and Switzerland.
Also, your Christmas tree come from
north, who used to decorate houses with
branches of fir and mistletoe. Christmas
tree and later entered the East,through
Catholicism. In Russia the European Eve
of Christmas was celebrated in a pine
forest, where one was chosen as the most
beautiful of all and adorned with lighted
candles, candy, toys, etc.. Tree is
decorated like a Christmas tree met only
in cities in Germany end of the nineteenth
century,but when World War spread
across the country.
 Grigorasi
 Zauca

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