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Generally speaking, is about matters such as
the good things that we should pursue and the
bad things we should avoid.
The right ways in which we could or should
act and the wrong ways of acting.
It is about what is acceptable and unacceptable
in human behavior.
It may involve obligations that we are
expected to fulfill, prohibitions that we are
required to respect, or ideals that we are
encourage to meet.
Ethics as a subject for us to study is about
determining the grounds for the values with
particular and special significance to human
The term “Morals” may be used to refer to
specific beliefs or attitudes that people have or
to describe acts that people perform.
Thus, it is sometimes said that an individual’s
personal conduct is referred to as his morals, and
if he falls short of behaving properly, this can be
described as immoral.
However, we also have the term such as
“moral judgement” or “moral reasoning”,
which suggest a more rational aspect.
The term “ethics” can be spoken of as the
discipline of studying and understanding ideal
human behavior and ideal ways of thinking.
Thus, ethics is acknowledged as an
intellectual discipline belonging to philosophy.
However, acceptable and unacceptable
behaviors are also generally described as ethical
and unethical, respectively.
In addition, with regard to the acceptable and
unacceptable ways of behaving in a given field,
we have the term “professional ethics”(legal
ethics for lawyers and other people in the legal
profession; medical ethics for doctors and nurses;
and media ethics for writers and reporters).

Is rooted in the Greek words that translate to

“love of wisdom”
Philia- is a noun, which means “friendship”
or “love”
Sophia- is a noun, which means “wisdom”
More specifically, the word philosophy had been
first used by thinkers to refer to their striving to
better understand reality in a maintained and
systematic manner.
Historically speaking, it can be said that
philosophy started among the ancient Greeks
around two and a half thousand years ago, when
certain people in the Mediterranean made the
mental efforts of trying to make sense of the world
and of human life in a unique way.
As time passed, asking certain specific questions
would develop into specific methods; these
particular topics and the ways of addressing them
established themselves as disciplines in their own
right, which is why we now have the empirical
science such as biology or the social sciences such
as psychology.
Philosophy remains as the unique discipline that
asks significant questions that other fields are
unable to address.
Metaphysics wonders as to what constitutes
the whole of reality.
Epistemology asks what is our basis for
determining what we know
Axiology refers broadly to the study of value
and is often divided into aesthetics, which
concerns itself with the value of beauty, and
ethics, which concerns itself with the value of
human actions.
Discriptive and Normative
Descriptive study of ethics reports how people,
particularly group, make their moral valuations
without making any judgement either for or against
these valuations.
This kind of study is often the work of the social
scientist: either a historian(studying different moral
standards overtime) or a sociologist or an
anthropologist (studying different moral standards
across cultures).
Normative study of ethics, as is often done in
philosophy or moral theology, engages the
question: what could or should be considered
as the right way of acting?
In other words, a normative discussion
prescribes what we ought to maintain as our
standards or bases for moral valuation.

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