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Andrea Mason

Problem/ question
What are the changes in blood pressure and heart rate after different exercises?

I think that the highest change will be when my subjects do some cardio on the rower. I believe
the rower will have the biggest change in my participants from their resting heart rate and blood
pressure. The least change in blood pressure and heart rate I think will be the weights. Lifting
weights would not be working or pumping their heart enough to have a change like the cardio did.
The materials that were needed, I luckily already
◦ Blood Pressure monitor,
◦ 1 rower
◦ Variety of weights
◦ 1 spin cycle machine (stationary bike)

For the exercises, I needed a couple of objects

we had in our garage which is where we also did
the workouts. Hoping the heat in the garage can
make an even bigger change in the blood
pressure and heart rate.
Step 1: Making sure that both participants have a fair chance with the blood pressure machine, I made sure I measured their
blood pressure while they were resting and relaxed.
Step 2: My participants got ready to do the workouts in the garage.
Step 3 : I had my participants do the bike and rower for 5 minutes each. I had my participants lift weights they were each
comfortable with. My 3 participants did 4 sets of 10 reps which is equivalent to doing 40 reps on bench press
Step 4: I had the participants start 1 min apart so that I could get their measurements right after they were done and not have
them waiting for their turn.
Step 5: Right after I finished recording each result, they moved onto the next workout, having them rotate (no long breaks in
between exercises).
Step 6: Once my participants were all done with their workout, I had them sit for 10 minutes in the garage, resting for 10 min.
Step 7: I then take each measurement after 10 min rest
Step 8: I compared the data and set it to a bar graph.
Results/ Data

Change in Blood Pressure After Different Exercises

There are specific numbers you 3
have to get to be considered,
normal (1), pre-hypertension (2- 2.5
2.6), hypertension(2.7-3), stage 1
hypertensions (low red), stage 2 2
hypertension (high red). We luckily
didn’t have anyone reach 1.5
hypertension. I personally have
had stage 1 hypertension and it
sucks to take care of it.

Resting Before Stationary Bike Rower Weights Resting after Exercise

Cody (boyrfriend) Elsa (mom) Nick (brother)

Results/ Data

Heart rate also had a good amount of Change in Heart Rate After Different Exercises
change between the different 120

Normal resting heart rate should be
between 60-100 beats per minute. A 80
normal heart rate after exercising
depends on the age of the person. 60
You’re able to find this out by
subtracting your age from 200 and 40
the result will be the maximum heart
rate you’re supposed to reach after 20
exercises. I learned this for having
amazing softball coaches. 0
Resting before Stationary Bike Rower Weights Resting after
Exercise Exercise

Cody Elsa Nick


I think that the highest change will be when my subjects do some cardio on the rower. I believe
the rower will have the biggest change in my participants from their resting heart rate and blood
pressure. The least change in blood pressure and heart rate I think will be the weights.
The results I have retrieved show that the bike had more of a change in blood pressure and heart
rate from the resting measurements.
The lowest result of change were the weights. The participants had minimal change from a
resting measurement. With the exception of my brother whose heart rate was 106 after weights.
1 question I still have is would the results have changed if my participants took a 10 minute
break in between each workout rather then going into them right away?

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