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Elements of a Story:

• Setting – The time and place a story takes

• Characters – the people, animals or creatures in
a story.
• Plot – the series of events that make up a story.
• Conflict – a problem or struggle between two
people, things or ideas.
•the events that take place
in a story. Every story
needs a plot! The plot has
different “parts…”
The Centipede
By: Rony V. Diaz

• Eddie
• Delia
• Berto
• Biryuk the dog
• The father
• The story happened at the hut his sister
Delia's playhouse
• Eddie and Delia's house and at the last
part of the story, it happened in the
woodshed where Berto is splitting up
the woods.
• the struggle between two forces in a story.
• Without conflict, there is no plot.
• Conflict is the “battle” between two forces.
• Conflict isn’t always bad..sometimes it
helps to create change
• It can be external or internal
External conflict

• Between characters
• Between a character and society
• Between a character and uncontrollable events

Man vs. man –demonstrators against police
Man vs. nature – evacuees affected by typhoon
Internal conflict

• Within a single character

Example: man vs. self – an individuals decisions

challenged by his conscience
Types of Conflict
1.Character vs. Character (problem with another
2. Character vs. Society (problem with the laws or
beliefs of a group) (character vs. community,
society or culture)
3. Character vs. Nature (problem with force of
4. Character vs. Self (problem with deciding
what to do or think; “inner conflict”)


1. Berto was tasked by Delia to kill Berto’s adopted dog.

2. Centipedes often scare people because of how they look.

3. Delia’s resentment towards Eddie could be traced back from their

mother’s death.
4. Eddie saw his sister as a thorn on his side – something which
should be plucked.
5. Eddie’s feelings toward his sister could be compared to that on
overheated kettle.
• Language has basic meaning or no meaning
• words in literal expressions denote what they mean according
to common or dictionary usage

• Example:
• Eddie and Delia fight all the time. (Very direct – they always
• Eddie and Delia are siblings. (direct – Eddie is Delia’s brother)
• It's been a long time since we last saw each other.
• Language has hidden or underlying meaning
• uses figures of speech that is words or phrases that departs from
straightforward, literal language

• Example:
• Eddie and Delia are worlds apart. (sort of indirect – there is a
gap between the two)
• There is bad blood between Eddie and Delia. (indirect – negative
relationship between them)
• It's been eons since we last saw each other.

_____1. Grass looks green.

_____2. The grass looks like spiky green hair.
_____3. Sand feels rough.
_____4. The flower has the sweetest smelling
petals in the world.
_____5. The flower smells sweet.
• A phrase is a group of related words (within a sentence) without
subject and verb.
• Example: They are clapping for the Pope.

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