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Types of Speeches

A. According to Purpose
B. According to delivery
Learning Competency:
At the end of the lesson, the learners are
expected to:
1. Distinguish types of speeches. (EN11/12OC-

Watch the following video. The featured speaker is

one of the winners in a public speaking competition
organized by Toastmasters International.
After watching the video, find a partner and
discuss your answers to the following questions:

 What are your observations on the delivery of

the speaker? Give at least 5 observations.
 Do you find the style of delivery appropriate
to his/her audience?
Presenting the new lesson

Answer this:
What do think is the purpose of the speaker in
his speech?
A. Types of Speech According to Purpose:

1. Informative- provides the audience with a

clear understanding of a concept or idea.
2. Entertainment- amuses the audience
3. Persuasive- seeks to provide the audience
with favorable or acceptable ideas that
influence their own ideas
Presenting examples/ instances of the new
B. Types of Speech According to Delivery:

1. Extemporaneous
Descripti Speaking with limited preparation
on Guided by notes or outline
Delivered conversationally
Advantage Helps you look confident
s Engages the audience
disadvanta May have not adequate time to plan, organize, and
ges rehearse
Tips Create an outline
Organize your ideas chronologically
Use facts and real life experiences
Manage your time well
2. Impromptu

Description Speaking without advanced preparation

Spoken conversationally
advantages Spontaneous or natural speaking
More focused and brief
Disadvantages Tendency to be disorganized
Lacks connection with the audience
Nerve-racking for inexperienced speakers
tips Pause for a moment
State your main point briefly
End by saying thank you
3. Manuscript

Description Speaking with advanced preparation

Planned and researched
Reading aloud a written message
Advantages Exact repetition of the written words
Guided speech
disadvantages Boring and uninteresting
Lacks audience rapport or connection
Tips Rehearse the speech over and over again
4. Memorized
Description Speaking with advanced preparation
Planned and rehearsed speech
Reciting a written message word-for-
word from memory
Advantages Exact repetition of the written words from
Free to move around the stage
Disadvantages Speakers might end up in a monotone
Difficulty on remembering his speech
tips Rehearse the speech over and over again
a.a.Delivery for Different Situations
1. Speaking to a specific audience size

Description Audience size depends on the venue

and size
Advantage You can determine your approach
Disadvantage This can be challenging and intimidating
Tips Ask the organizer about the estimated
audience so you can adjust your delivery
Practice, practice, practice
2. Speaking in an open-air venue or
outside a building
Description Examples are open courts or
grounds, football fields, farms, etc.
Advantages You will feel more relaxed due to the
atmosphere of the venue
disadvantages You will encounter a lot of
communication barriers
Tips Check the venue prior to your speaking
Ask the organizers about the availability
of equipment
Hook the audience’s attention
3. Speaking in Different Venues

Description Speaking venues that vary according

to size
Advantages You will be exposed to different venues
which will add to your public speaking
Disadvantages You will have to make big adjustments in
terms of your nonverbal cues
Tips Check the venue for adjustments
4. Speaking with a microphone
Description Its main function is to increase the volume of you
voice, not to clarify the pronunciation and
enunciation of words.
Advantage With a microphone, you can easily get the attention of
your audience because of the loudness of your voice.
Disadvantag Using a microphone can be challenging because there
es is a tendency to underuse or overuse it.
Tips Check the microphone if it function well.
Check your voice in the microphone to see whether
you are audible enough.
In a small venue, you may not use a microphone, but
you need to manage your voice’s volume well.
Practice, practice, practice.
5. Speaking with a podium or lectern
Description A podium or lectern is a reading desk
with a stand and a slanted top
Advantages Notes can be placed on the slanted top, and
will work best for extemporaneous and
manuscript speeches.
The lectern can be used as means to hide
or cover nervousness
Disadvantage Hiding the hands will not help in enhancing
s the message
Tips stand straight
Avoid gripping the edges of the podium with
both hands
More Tips for Speech Delivery
1. Use a conversational style more often.
2. Look your audience in the eye so they will
feel that they are part of the speech.
3. Remember to adjust your volume to the size
of the audience and the venue.
4. Vary your rate or speed to keep your
audience interested.
5. Master you voice and find your pitch level.
6. Use pauses when you emphasize the most
important words, phrases, sentences.
7. Pronounce and enunciate words correctly.
8. Avoid fillers or expressions that substitute
actual words in your speech.
9. Start your speech by standing straight and
balancing your weight.
10. Use precise movements. Avoid mannerisms.
11. Avoid having a poker face or a highly
animated face.
12. Dress properly and appropriately.
Observe ethics by coming prepared, being
honest with your words, being polite, avoiding
offensive words or back-biting.
13. Breathe in and out to relax.
14. Have fun.
• E. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #2
Group yourselves into five and read the following
You are a tourism Assign representatives from
ambassadors of the the other group to provide
Philippines who are tasked
feedback based on the
to promote the best features
of the country and its overall following questions:
positive image to local and 1. What do you like most
foreign visitors. Your task is about the presentation?
to prepare and deliver a
2. How do you think can
three-minute speech in a
World Tourism Expo in the speech be
London to convince the improved?
participants to visit the 3. What type of speech did
Philippines. they deliver to the class?
F. Developing mastery
As a group, differentiate the four types of
speech delivery in terms of definition and
examples of speaking situations. Use the table
for your answers.
Types Definition Examples
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
Individual Application:
Write your (1-minute) own type of speech about
the upcoming Nutrition month and present it to
the class next meeting. Observe proper clothing
during the presentation.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions
about the lesson

 What are the different types of speeches?
 Why do we need to identify first our purpose
before we deliver a speech?
I. Evaluating learning
Answer in a ¼ sheet of paper. Match column A
with column B by distinguishing where each
given example of speech type belongs
Type Example Answer
1.Extemporaneous a. Speeches of comedians
2. Impromptu b. Reading the rules and the
criteria in a contest
3. Manuscript c. Delivering a declamation
4. Memorized d. Speaking during the interview
5. Entertainment e. Reporting a topic in class

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