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Teacher Improvement Plan

Thomas Caggianelli
Teacher A

 Third year teacher

 Teaches General Biology, General Inclusion Biology, and Anatomy and Physiology

 First year with a general science class

 Previously had only honor classes

 First year with a co-teacher


 Working with co-teacher

 Expectations
 Planning
 Execution

 Relationship building with students

 Getting up and working with students rather than sitting in front of the classroom
Goal One: Working with Co-Teacher

 After talking to Teacher A, we agreed that:

 Teacher A should meet to talk about expectations
 Expectations should include classroom management styles, what works for who, workload, who does
what in each lesson.
 Commit to an agreed upon weekly planning session
 Teacher A and Co-Teacher should meet at least once a week to talk about what went well, what worked,
and what needs to be retaught. Also, plan for the following week.
 Teacher A and Co-Teacher should alternate lessons where Co-Teacher teaches the content on
some days. Allowing for a mix up and different styles to be tried.
Goal Two: Building Relationships

 Teacher A wanted to improve his ability to build relationships with students and as we
talked we discussed:
 Being personable
 Relating to students
 Being open minded about students thoughts and ideas
 Make them feel welcome and cherished when they walk in

Goal Three: Move Around the Classroom more

 Teacher A has a tendency to sit in front of the class while kids are doing classwork.
 Simply put, teacher needs to be up and moving while helping students with work to check for
understanding and where there could be misconceptions
 Also a great way to build relationships
Timeline of Observations

 February 5th, 2020

 Initial meeting with Teacher to discuss professional development plan
 March 13th, 2020
 Virginia schools are closed due to Coronavirus
 April 14th, 15th, and 17th, 2020
 Virtual walkthroughs and observations
 April 20th, 2020
 Feedback on how to better virtual lessons regardless of attendance
Issues due to COVID-19

 Traditional learning was put into disarray as schools scrambled on how to provide their
students with meaningful education
 Manassas Park was ahead of the game
 Already 1-to-1
 Distance learning plan was implemented immediately
 Teachers had to hold two hours of office hours everyday for students
 All work up to March 13th would count towards a grade.
 On April 14th and after, Manassas Park High School decided each class will use APEX which
is a learning platform that uses Virginia standards for majority of classes to create equity in
 Must complete two of three modules to receive class credit
Observational Feedback

 Due to COVID-19, all schools are trying to go to distance learning. This is a challenge
since not all kids have internet, able to access their internet at the same time as the teacher,
or simply not wanting to.
 On April 14th, 15th, and 17th, I was in Teacher A’s office hours for his supplemental lessons.
 Not one student took part in supplemental lessons.
 Feedback:
 Regardless of attendance, try to comb through the APEX modules and have recorded
supplemental lessons that will aid them on their assessments through the program.
Peer Teacher Assistance

 Manassas Park High School already has sort of a peer assistance program in place. PAWS
is meant to pair a new teacher (first, second, and third year teachers) with a veteran mentor
who teachings the same or similar subjects
 Since the extension of PAWS was not extended to third years by practice only in theory until this
past year, Teacher A never had a true mentor. The department chair and I spoke and a teacher who
teaches inclusion biology, as well as, honors chemistry agreed to sit in during her planning
 She would also suggested that they have similar material so for the first half of the year they were
planning every Friday together.
 The pandemic has made it hard to have plan together, now they share supplemental lessons
with each other.
Notification of Plan

 Manassas Park High School has several walkthroughs for new teachers and usually the
people who are responsible for the teacher meet and decided if an action plan is needed.
These people include:
 Department Chair
 Assistance Principal
 Head Principal
 Associate Superintendent of Curriculum and Learning
 Head of HR
Monitoring of Plan

 Consistent feedback
 Meeting with administer or whoever is mentor during action/improvement plan weekly or
biweekly to talk about lessons, planning, what can be improved.
 Advising Teacher to film his/her teaching
 Lost Art

 Mid-year review
 Formal and informal observations
 To see well development is and is not happening and can aid in improvement plan

 Meet with peer mentors at least once a month, if not more to check on development
Outcome of Plan

 70% (after adjustments and retakes) of inclusion class passes SOL or 80% of class show
substantial increase in Student Growth Assessments.

 During observations, student interview show that they trust Teacher A and feel safe within
the classroom.

 Teacher A is up out of his seat at least 2/3rds of the class

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